x Big Bad Wolf Haul | Anys NADHILAH

Big Bad Wolf Haul

September 13, 2015

To be honest, I went to this Big Bad Wolf alone because I was too eager to go there for the first time and did some haul ! yep, my friends weren't go there due to our packed schedule though they really wanted to, . But I don't care, how busy we were, I MUST NOT MISS THIS BOOK SALE. so that, I slipped and drive there on the lunch hour, which means, I skipped my lunch. I just buy some creamed bread and ate them in the car. How desperate I was ;')

And here we go, my first non fiction book haul ever.
I know, it has been 2 months, hope korang tak termuntah baca cerita hampir basi ;P
Jom tengok macam mana book sale ni for those who never went there. 
Basically , all books are RM6-RM10, but most of the novels are RM8. There are a looootttttt load of novels, you can choose one from your fav author. Not only english novel, melayu pun ada . pendek kata, siapa rasa nak beli buku banyak banyak untuk terapkan sikap bangsa suka membaca bangsa berjaya mesti datang sini dan beli beberapa buah buku.

My fav section. Hellokittyholics <3 tapi tak beli pon , suka jamu mata je hehe

Dah siap meronda cari buku, and they read happily ever after.
So , here it goes what I have picked up.
Beneath the glitter by a youtuber named elle&blair RM8
50 ways to find a lover by Anne Holmes RM8
The confusion of Karen Carpenter RM8
Life..  The Reader's Digest Version
Dork Diaries by Rachel Renee Russell

Though, it has been two months, but I haven't finish a single book yet, half way there. hehe
A short video for you if you have free time to watch it, I just babbling coz I miss to do it. I promise I would try to do  something beneficial for you in future. Happy watching ;D


  1. bestnyaaa! xpernah kesempatan pun nak ke bbw ni

    1. nanti kalau ada yang berdekatan jangan lupa pegi tau !

  2. U soooo do not need the book '50 ways to find a lover'! haha.. xD
    ehh, i do not know that elle & blair fowler has a book out. Pretty cool!
    I still have more than 10 unread books tho.. :3 gotta to refrain myself from any book sales atm

    1. hahhahahaha, I was just a bit curious to know the ways . kikii. wowww. I am so envy , so so much envy!

  3. I planned to go to BBW penang. haa nampak tak semangat dia sebab i never went to any yet. **lagu sedih** HAHAHHA great haul my dear!

  4. It's coming to Penang soon!!!! YEAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    By the way, have you read any of Cecelia Ahern's, Jodi Picoult's and Candace Bushnell's books???

  5. Murah murahny novel, comel buku gambar hello kitty tu :-)


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