x Hello November ♡ | Anys NADHILAH

Hello November ♡

November 8, 2016

Time was like running from me , I cannot catch up with it like seriously .

I began my November with traveling and will end it up with an examination which I afraid the most. Currently, I am in Psychiatry posting as you all know and now I try to do more notes and study all the topics in the syllabus. I try to understand all the headings in this Psychiatry posting which I think it is not really difficult but either I gonna be hard working to make it easy for me or become a lazy lady which I gonna regret it by the end of this month. Anyway I think , I gonna choose to be more diligent so I could score this posting , gain more knowledge and be a great doctor. Insyaallah.

I am really really sorry I couldn’t really catch up with the blog post that I promised, youtube videos but I am trying to .

Blog posts that I try to catch up are like beauty reviews, random talk and for youtube videos like do common videos and hey I know that's gonna take a lot of time but I at least I will try at it. Maybe more exciting thing in 2017?

For your information , I am now like preparing stuff for 2017. I am like having a new resolution in 2017 which I really want to be serious with my hobby and dreams which are be a motivated and consistent blogger and YouTuber. I am going to update more about my plan in 2017 later in the other post so keep on eye on it okay. 

For a while, I was like, why I want to do this? Then I realize it is actually my passion to share something with the world. seriously, maybe there are some part of me that want to have more friends, communicate and enjoy the life just on my cozy bed inside my comfy room. because I still believe there were some huge amount of positive people on the internet that will spread positive vibe and make my life a lot better.

How will you spend your November ? any good plan? 


  1. I have a few plans for my blog around next yeat too. Hehe. Anyway, goodluck with your posting!

    Smile and stay potive as always 😊

    P/s : I don't know why, but I can't watch your latest video on Youtube as it stated that 'This video is not available.'. Kenapa eh? Just wondering.

    1. wahhh seriously? I am really keen to know about your plan. share it in your blog !
      thank you syaza. insyallah you stay happy too okay :D
      abt youtube video tu , I have copyrighted song and that is the reason why you cannot maybe. I'll try to fix that up.

  2. Hi Anys :)

    Baru jumpa ur blog and love your template :) Simple dan kemas :)

    Dah habis bulan November tapi baru nak bagi komen kat sini. Hihi.

    And your simple makeup tutorial is nice :) 😍wish siqah boleh mekap macam anys :D

    Anyway, Salam perkenalan :) Singgah dan follow sini.

    1. Hi Siqah .

      Thank youu for lovin it. haha it's okayy you can just comment anywhere you want. Siqah follow la the tutorial tau. Hope it helps.
      Salam perkenalan too Siqah!


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