x Things I've learnt Since Having My Cat 😺 | Anys NADHILAH

Things I've learnt Since Having My Cat 😺

November 17, 2016

Gosh , I think the only things that are running on my blog recently were Monthly Favourites and Monthly Hello . How good I am right ? I just about to put the blame on my busy medical student's schedule but oh Anis, who you are going to fool right now? I am neither a hardworking student nor smart so I did really spend less time in front of books. Anis is not a good example. Don't follow her.

But I really should push my ass a bit harder so that I will have a bright future as bright as my little Snowy. I never properly tell you right that I have a kitten now ! and her name is Snowy . I called her Nowi and sometimes pumpkins or princess or anything that is sweet and cute. That would really symbolise her because she is really CUTE AND SWEET~~ though sometimes she could be a lil naughty.

I must sound a little addicted and fanatic to my cat right? No I ain't. I maybe a bit freaking out because this is my first kitten I ever have and with her , I have to adapt and learn everything new about cat. I want a cat so much before though I was a little bit scared of them. However, things changed so rapidly that I did not afraid of cats anymore.  Not at all. #hehe

I've had Snowy for just over 3 months now and here are few things that I've learned.

She sleeps like a human baby
I was a bit worried before this to the fact she always sleep under my bed, under my wardrobe or on my bathroom doormat. It was actually most of the time that she slept and ignored me. This make me feel confused and worried that she might having some kind diseases and me her become less active. As this matter really concerned me, I had googled up - 'why my kitten always sleep?' and the answer turned out, it is a normal cycle for a kitten to sleep double hours than us which mean 16-18hours in a day. It was actually a new fun fact about a cat for me ! Generally, the sleep cycle for a kitten and a human baby is just the same except that human baby cried when they woke up but my kitten don't :)

She woke up when I woke up
I was amaze to see this cat behaviour cause I never really know about  this. I thought a cat would just mind their own business, like sleeping around or playing around without being affected by human but apparently whenever I opened my eyes and start to go the toilet to take wudhu , she will just wake up. And her behaviour during waking up was so cute and hilarious. She was just like a human. You know when you woke up and you still don't want to wake up because it's too early so you kind of having an unopened or slight open eyes expression with wrinkly forehead. Obviously I cannot see my kitten's skin on the forehead because it's full of fur but you kind of can tell if someone had those unsatisfied expression, if you know what I mean.

 She loves to be on prayer mat
Not that she loves to wake up as early as Subuh time and went back to sleep, she also loved to be on my prayer mat when I was praying.To be honest, I kind of distracted with her because she was there right in the middle of the prayer mat when I was praying. so usually i will avoid her so I was not in the center of my prayer mat anymore and try to push her a little bit just for me to still praying on the prayer mat. But now , I kind of just pray with her being in the middle, lolz, you can't imagine how was it right ? you don't have to, but I really wanted to ask ustaz about my validity of the prayer :D

She won't be inside my room if I'm not here
She always and always follows my steps whenever I go inside the house.  She also won't go out of the room when I am inside. She knows her owner and she never ignored me though other of my housemates always play with her but she kind of only want me like I am her little caring and kind mommy. hehe 

I never get bored
Living alone in a room of rented house with our friends could be quite lonely sometimes. She is my life savior. At least I won't live with boringness or depression though I am a type of girl who is difficult to get bored. About depression , I have someone to share my emotional thoughts or unsatisfaction without being judged or being insulted back. lol

I have to deal with gross stuff
When you are dealing with poops of any creatures on the earth , it would be really GROSS right? and I hate cat poops and who's in the earth likes them? i hate the liquid texture of the poops too !  Luckily Snowy poops are not really smelly yet and they're semi solid. so I just have to grab those gross thing with tissue and throw it into dustbin in case she kind of pooped outside of the litter box. It had occured once so far. Anyway, a small reminder here , never messing with cat owner's dustbin coz u could be messing your hand with cat poop. ;;)

That's all for today. I might do part 2 if I learnt more about cats in future, If you have any question, just let me know and you can ask it in the comment section below or here [ASK ME ANYTHING]

Do you have a pet ? If yes , what do you love about them ?
If no , do you want one ?


    too bad i'm scared of cats hwaaaaa :(

    1. She really is Erin ! I love snuggling with her and she always bear with it.
      You should own one and all those fear will disappear in a blink of eyes.

    2. Agree! :D I have few friends who're scared with cats but they changed 180 degree when we have our cat, Atan. :D

      Introducing you, Atan's Instagram hehehe, feel free to enjoy his IG.


    3. hahahha ! told ya right ! now I can even give my hand like a toy to them.
      I have followed Atan's instagram !! So cute y'know

  2. SHE'S SO CUTE AND SQUISHY HAHAA btw i have a pet cat! they're adorable little creatures but they can turn into monster just like that lol. but they're always make me feel good when i had a bad day though :)

    1. HAHA. I love to squish her more now because she just get showered this week hehe. oh really ? why would that happened ? That is so true. I couldn't agree more !

  3. snowyyyyy is really cute! geram rasa nak picit2 la. :D
    perangai pun comel2 je :)

    1. hahahaha.kannnnn comel sgt kadang2 tu gerammm. ni baru sikit cerita pasal snowy ni

  4. cute sangat ...
    i once also had snowy..exactly like that, but many yearssss ago

  5. I scared of cats but I really love kitten since they're cute 😍

    1. they were really cute espcially when we get chances to bully them. hehe

  6. hihihi Luna misses you aunty anis ;P

  7. Comelnya!!! Part prayer mat tu betul lah, my cat pun macam tu jugak. Haha

    ieyra h. | blog

    1. I think most of cats have affection towards sejadah kot hehe

  8. your cat is so cuuutee .. she do justice to her nama SNOWY!!

    now I think of my lost cash. His name is Rain.. TT_TT

    1. I'm sorry about your lost cat but where did he go ?
      Snowy because she is so white but always managed to play until she gets dirty.


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