x Move on and grow stronger than ever | Anys NADHILAH

Move on and grow stronger than ever

January 23, 2016

you can do this .
Do not over dependent on something you're not sure about.
Do not keep in heart over something that's too small.
Do not feel alone.
Do not feel isolated.
Do not be sad if we don't have true friends.
Do not be dissapointed being scolded by a lecturer.
Do not be catastropic being far from our family and loved one.

Because we always have Him ;')
Believe in Him. Trust on Him.
We are temporarily here in this world.
We'll be back to Him in a short time.
I believe he always plan the best for us.
I believe he always has a better plan to make us happy ;')

Just believe.
and keep du'a ;')


  1. Nice one. Your words inspired me to be stronger than before. Thank you!

    1. oh really ? I'm glad you feel so ! Let's be stonger together ! ;)

  2. feeling down a little bit recently so thanks for this! :D

    1. actually me too ! that's how this post came out. I really need motivation to stay stronger than ever. you are most welcome love!

  3. what a precious word babe. thank you :)


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