x Ipoh Food Hunting : Konda Kondi Cafe | Anys NADHILAH

Ipoh Food Hunting : Konda Kondi Cafe

August 12, 2015

I hope you can see Konda Kondi sign across the road over there. The tree was expectedly photo bomb my picture ;') This cafe is located right at the center of the city of Ipoh. It is right in front of SOS disco club (ehem) and the road here is one way, so you need to come from TM center direction or ETS (big landmark). Hope Ipoh citizen can imagine it if you interested to go..

close up
This is what I ate during that evening. Black pepper Chicken Chop. RM13. Correct me if I'm wrong. Sebab hari ni ada orang belanja. wuwuwuuw. thank you bros and sister.

The specky one, her name is Azliza. Yeah I know. Can you see the tag in front of her? We went here during Ramadhan so we have to book early or else if you go redhanded, this cafe will be fully book. and for this day, my friend Azliza helped us to book.That's why her name on it. Gomawo pretty.

 Everyone has their own menu of choice.  Spagetti , carbonara, spagetti and other. Oh ya, this cafe has their own suggested menu, I can't remember the name but it was so good! I only tasted it from my friend's order . It was spicy but still western, and it was so good.   ah I am so bad at explaining.
The sempoi collegues. Every of them are my fav people!
Az, hanan, kak mimie, abg pojie, abg syam and daus. One of the purfect iftar 2015 ! God bless. alhamdulillah ..


  1. The food like very delicious!!!


  2. MAKAN MAKAN MAKAN, u buat i lapa oh anis! -____-' HAHA love the food!

  3. Hey Anys, I nominated you for an award! Check it out! Thank you for following, reading and commenting on my blog! Please remember there are no obligations on my behalf for you to do this and I would not be offended whatsoever if you choose not to.
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    You have a beautiful blog. Especially your main picture! SO cantik!


  4. Sedapnya tengok food tu! Adeyh

    Ouh btw, sybaru buat giveaway khas untuk raya aidil adha.. jom la join kalau berminat.. tq =)



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