x ♡ Indian Inspired Make Up Tutorial ♡ | Anys NADHILAH

♡ Indian Inspired Make Up Tutorial ♡

May 23, 2015

Different people have a different make up choice but ultimately it produced the same decent result, -beautiful.. But it is a different story for those who has no idea in make up, paint the face all over and expect an extravaganza yet different look. What I am trying to say is I am no expert in doing make up and finally I feel so inferior to do this make up. Anyhow, other youtubers have become very supportive and lovely that they boost my inner spirit to learn and explore more of make up after this.

To be honest, I rarely do make up in my daily basis due to shortage of time. I am a person who get up late every morning so everything were in rush. I have no imagination at all on how to be creative in make up. Nevertheless, I have succeed doing this Indian Inspired Make up look/tutorial. I am so glad that an Indian girl itself did approved my inspired make up. 

I don't have enough props for this make up look . No Sari. No 'that' at my forehead. What I did was I grabbed my bawal sari, wear in on the other way, pull the bawal at the back and put it over my head. 

To me, the definition of Indian make up is dramatic eyelashes with thick black lower eyelines, and nude earthy lipstick. When I was doing this make up, I try to combine all of these while imagine Kareena kapoor and Rani Mukerji. I really love their make up espcially in movie Mujhse Dosti Karoge.

My tutorial is absolute simple. Suitable for beginner just like me. I use less products , it is because I forgot to use them while filming the video . Enjoy watching this and spread some love.

p/s do you notice my new blog layout? hopefully you'll like my new blog transformation. Insyallah this new look it will always remind me to give more commitment to my blog after this. Took hours to edit it though the base code from Soratemplate because I renovated a lot of thing. Love it to bits!

Happy youtubing ♡


  1. Love the new look of your blog. I almost used this template too but decided not to because I was so lazy to edit the code.

    1. thank you farah ,. glad u love it ! kan ! i ni rajin terlebih sikit then jatuh hati dgn template ni , ada la jugak 7 jam mengadap coding semalam

  2. I gave it a thumbs up for courage! :D
    I love makeup but am not creative enough to create looks and all that jazz. Same old same old.. haha..
    Love the lashes!


    1. Awww ! thank you aisyah . you are so kind hearted . me too actually but I'd love to explore more..

  3. Suka sangat design baru blog ni <3 Anys, ada tutorial nak buat yg bawah sekali jadi 3 tak? Huhu

    1. ada syaza ! anis guna tutorial ni ..

      cuba try dulu .. kalau tak jadi bagitau anis k ..

  4. Cepat cepat viralkan! I jarang jumpa make up tutorial Malaysia yang best but yours <3 Hahaha

    1. hahaha ! biasa jelah plus I tak pandai sangat pon make up . ni pun mengigil nak record. huuhu


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