x Got it! *yes* | Anys NADHILAH

Got it! *yes*

May 19, 2015

Yeayyy ! can't believe with my eyes that I am using it right now . It finally mine. and if you follow my story (ala previous story je pon) you will know what I am talking about. Sumpah it so much easier for me to do lots of thing that I love . imovie,finalcutpro x , semua dah install, tinggal nak belajar bagi mahir je. hehe. tapi photoshop takleh install. tak tahu macam mana cari nak install photoshop free dalam Mac. tapi takpe (banyak kan tapi) sebab aku ada jumpa ada online editor ni, super cool ! love it! its called ''picmonkey.com'' . Go check them out if you interested to edit macam macam. Aku dah lama tahu online editor ni cuma kalau pakai laptop yang sebelum ni aku tak berjaya buat sebab nak load picture sangatlah lembab. anyway, maybe it was my fault sebab store banyak sangat benda.. dengan movie hindustan nya, serial movies lagi, gambar satu tan , memang tak hairan laptop jadi lambat(kot).
Alhamdulillah with this Mac(I am not trying to brag) , hopefully I can use this Mac until I work one day. please stay with me. Insyallah :)
This week? not sure yet how it will be going on. tapi esok kelas pukul 8.30 okay~ I oll kena pergi hospital, tanya tanya khabar pakcik makcik kat sana then bentangkan case depan doktor. Takut jugak coz tomorrow is my first presentation. Sekarang ni memang tak dapat dinafikan aku banyak buang masa dengan internet, youtube and video editing straight all the time. too addicted and into it maybe,. again , I realize that this is a bad habit to instill in oneself, so I have to get rid of it before it starts invading deeper. I have edited one video for collab, it will be up this wednesday insyallah. then i also have filmed a new video, tapi macam takda energy lansung dalam vid tu, but as long as I being myself then I thought it will be fine. 

aku dah habiskan baucer buku RM250 aku tu.. aku beli dua buah buku medic clinical, aku beli novel Love,Rosie and satu thermometer. aku rasa macam tak worth lah dengan duit yang aku spend, aku dapat sikit je . tapi nak buat macam mana kan . terima jelah, buku medic ni mahal. bayangkan buku RM110 satu.. *shootmeplease so in conclusion,aku tarik balik ayat aku tadi , worth je RM250 baucer buku tu.. lagi pun kerajaan yang bagi kan.hikhik

so actually last weekend, I went to Maxwell Hill for hiking, gonna upload that story later . insyallah.
cerita yang pergi indon pon tak up lagi kan .. so sorry for those who wait k. ok have a nice day people <3


  1. woohoo! yayyyy! tumpang gembira jugak! memule pon ingat nk beli imac (sebab nk yg besar semedang nk tulis & edit bagai) tp laptop lame dah weng and really needed a new laptop. So bought Asus yang screen 19inch (kot..hehe) for half the price of macbook. Not as awesome of apple products (sebab kat tempat keje mmg gune Apple) but it will do for now.. :3

    I'm giving out 2 Avon's new lipsticks. Ce usha blog and support me pretty please? hehe..

    TQ! xoxo

    1. hihi.. thank you aisyah ! wuuu , imac besar tu ! tapi mesti laju kan.. perghhh besarnya 19 inch , mesti puas tengok . anis punya ni 15inch je.. sangat berbaloi okay ! looking forward for more posts from you babe ;)

  2. :) happy for you happiness with mac! I also love picmonaey, it makes photo editing easier and fun.
    Do drop by my blog if you get time :)

    Much Love,

    1. hey Tamanna! thank you for being here ! I know right, I am so outdated to only be able to use it now which is quite late . I have visited your blog, love it to bits since you are Malaysian. add one more english beauty blogger that i can relate

  3. Dah lama berkenan nak beli tapi kemahalan dia waduh waduh XD

  4. Anys, nak tanya sikit boleh tak? Before anys pakai macbook, anys edit video guna apa ya? Sebab syaza kena buat video assignment tapi sampai sekarang tak jumpa apps untuk edit video. Harap anys dapat bantu...

    1. boleh syaza .. anis guna imovie apps dalam iphone.. sangat mudah n takyah buat banyak kerja nak convert2 bagai..

      kalau dalam laptop, syaza boleh guna moviemaker utk windows.anis penah guna tp kena convert video dulu kepada format yang moviemaker terima,, remeh sikit sebab jadi banyak video kena convert.

    2. Thanks for the reply, anys. Really appreciate it :)

  5. OMG bestnyaaa my dream laptop T-T Will get it for the next 5 years? Hahahaha. And yes, kita sebaya hai awak <3

    1. hehe . my dream laptop too ! amin ! hope you'll get it ~ hai hai :)

  6. yuuuhuu alhamdulillah dapat beli =D hehehe..
    suka ipong je macbook belum jatuh cinta lagi..


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