x Nuffnang CPUV : Win Great Prizes Entrance Ticket to Hello Kitty Town | Anys NADHILAH

Nuffnang CPUV : Win Great Prizes Entrance Ticket to Hello Kitty Town

May 10, 2014

The circus is in town ! Collect them all hello kitty holicss!

 or or orrrrrr you can just play the game and you'll get the complete set of Hello Kitty of life plushies and entrance ticket to Hello Kitty Town.

and this prizes will be given weekly , tiap-tiap minggu akan ada 20 orang yang dapat menda ni,

Super happy tak ? apa lagi ?
Klik la dekat iklan nuffnang saya tu ye, awak akan dihantar ke fourfeetnine :D (start 9May2014)

btw kalau iklan ni tak keluar, awak refresh la kay. insyallah pasti keluar.and terima kasih sudi klik tau.

emm, tapi kalau tak keluar jugak , klik sini . Main sampai menang tauuu ! <3

p/s aku baru tahu apa itu CPUV tahu tak . hehe . kesian gila

and this CPUV is from Mc Donald Hello Kitty and still on going. seronok tak terhingga .
sebab tu promote nih.

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