x Face Shop Haul ! | Anys NADHILAH

Face Shop Haul !

September 15, 2017

I honestly do feel the need of sharing this to you guys coz I honestly am really excited from my purchase recently at the faceshop. I stopped buying a skincare range for quite sometimes but it doesn't mean I didn't take care of my face. It is just that my face cleansers are not finish for months. No wonder lah coz I've three face cleansers at my rent house. Each from Innisfree, Faceshop and Cetaphil. Otherwise, I didn't bother to wear night cream that much and my moisturiser also lasted for a while. 

Talking about skincare, I do feel that I don't have a lot of skincare products. Meaning I don't have toner, no face scrub, no serum or essence and stuffs. So while I am at Malaysia right now I feel the need to accumulate them all hehe. But still, I don't want to swipe everything at one time. Orang kata sikit sikit and buy the best so that you won't waste your money. 

I went to Aman central, the newest marvellous shopping mall at Kedah. I called it marvellous coz it got everything that Kedahan people need. Like before this kalau u nak cari certain brand dekat Kedah is so freaking hard that we have to travel to Penang nak cari brand tertentu tau. Now dekat Aman central , MAC, SASa, Body shop, Face shop, Pandora, Victoria secret, Uniqlo, Cotton on, H&M basically semua lah ada. takyah nak risau nak p jauh. SEPHORA ja tak buka lagi haha. (nasib baik)

Nak di jadikan cerita, I dah lama eyeing for faceshop products. Though I have their cleanser but I want to try other skincare product that netizens raved about. Tapi tak ada search review ka apa2, i pergi the shop, and the customer service was so on point so I beli terus. Plus sekarang ni kulit i rasa so oily especially dekat T zone. senang cerita dekat hidung. Rasa macam nak cabut ja hidung ni sebab tak tahan feeling oily tu. Kalau tengok cermin lagi la menganggu. Hidung oily nak mampus macam badut daripada jauh sebab hidung terlalu on point dengan minyaknya. 

So I excited la beli cleanser baru. And you know what me excited even more ? I beli Cleansing milk this time which is some sort of makeup remover but still it give benefits to your skin like face cleanser. Have you heard about Korean 10 steps skincare routine? I actually terpengaruh dengan benda ni. I nak double cleansing. So I mencari cleansing oil yang best. 

I went to watson and tried the N*** brand. It smells awful. I swear to god, it smells so bad like I almost puke. I can't bear the smell at allsebab I tested it out on my hand, so I keep smelling it, trying to like it, but I coudn't. Then at the face shop, I also found the cleansing oil, which is the only cleansing oil at Faceshop. It is the same series as the one that I bought however this one smells better. It doesn't smell like what you might expect, tak wangi pon sumpah. It smells ok than I tested from brand N**** tu . 

Tapi tapi the beauty adviser dekat faceshop tu asked me 'why do you want to buy cleansing oil?' so I bagitau la about 10 step korean skincare routine tu. haha. Tp I am not sure la it is suitable for me ka dak. then she said that by looking at my face I have an oily T zone so she would recommend the Cleansing milk lagi sebab I taknak foam. We did a demo and stuff, lama jugak lah. then I found that this cleanser is freaking worth and effective. (aku expect harga kat faceshop would be RM80++ but hang tak dak cleanser ni just RM35 with 200ml quantity. ) So memang tak pikiaq panjang ah. 

while doing the demo kan. I request to put on the real makeup on my hand and then try to remove it with the cleansing milk. So pergi la letak baby cushion dia, lipstick, pencil eyeliner, liquid eyeliner, mascara siap. hentam semua sebab mascara residues always bother me the most. 

ha sudah while dok menerai makeup makeup ni mascara dia seem quite nice chu oll. Dalam kepala otak ni ' ok ok berapa rega berapa rm please'. Kelihatan kat situ ada rm70+, ada rm40 macam tu. tengok tepi dia, tudia ada 40% sale beb. Ok . add to cart! haha
mascara ni sumpah best for lower lashes . sis tak tipu, sebab tu sis terus beli walaupun sis pernah berjanji no more mascara sebab dulu sis hentam haul beli mascara banyak banyak. waterproof tak waterproof semua sis kumpul tau. 

having said that, wait for my video comparison between maybelline mascara  vs faceshop mascara okay? I hope my viewers would love it because I am a mascara geek. I have tried a few from Benefits, Naked and etc. sebab i suka mencari masacra yang terbaik for my eyelashes. so that I would bammmmmmmmm without having so much hassle while removing it hehe

phewwwwwwww ok rasa lega beb boleh share semua thought sis. I nak shaee video haul tapi i rasa macam tak sesuai nak buat video coz I only two items but I hope you girls would love this post as well ! Love you xxxx

sample murah hati dari beauty adviser tu.


  1. i thought faceshop stuffs was pricey. hee

  2. waa,dulu teringin nak try line rice water ni,tapi takutkan dia keringkan mukaa

  3. I have tried that cleansing oil. Best kan! One of the best cleansing oil i have tried. Another one yg best is one from Hada Labo. Face shop cleanser Rice water cleansing tu pun best.
    And that mascara and their others mascara plus their eyebrows pencil pun best. You should also try them out.

    ☆ Atheera ☆

  4. I'm using the same thing and i agree with you. That's why I prefer Face Shop and Innisfree or Nature Republic for my skin care product. Kalau ada duit lebih sikit I'd buy Clinique or Lancome.

  5. I love Rice Water Bright cleansing products and literally have tried them all! My favourite definitely the Light Cleansing Oil.

    Myra | Pretty Little Things

  6. I also baru je nak berjinak-jinak dengan double cleansing ni. Memang best bila buat tu. Rasa muka lagi bersih. jeput singgah ke blog saya


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