x #MyTravelokaEscapade: Why I Want To Hop To London | Anys NADHILAH

#MyTravelokaEscapade: Why I Want To Hop To London

December 25, 2016

Who is excited for London? Well, I am excited!

London is a capital city of the United Kingdom which full of countless picturesque historical building and unique sights. London is so famous that I want to be there, take loads of beautiful pictures (selfies too!) and experience the chill of the air myself. London should be on everyone bucket list I tell you.   These are My Top 5 things I want to do if I ever get the chance to go London especially when it is fully sponsored by Traveloka *hint*

1. Visit the famous sightseeing (stumbled upon Hollywood artists probably !)

I don't even know where to start because I have loads of places I want to go in London. First thing first, I'll surely visit the most popular landmark in London. Have you ever heard of London Eye, Big ben, London bridges falling down falling down? If yes, I don't think I need to explain more on why I want to be there. But if you're not sure, then I GOT TO TELL YOU SOMETHING


 London Eye is a giant Ferris wheel located in the Central London. It also is known as Cola Cola London Eye. London Eye is the TALLEST Ferris wheel in the Europe and it offers the highest public viewing point in London. So this is the must visit place if I go to the London as I could take a quick look at the magnificent building structures. And I also have heard, this London eye has a great view during sunset or night.

 Big Ben! I'm pretty sure as if only if you never heard of it, you have seen it at least once on the Internet or English movies. It is the biggest, most accurate, four-faced clock in the world!

 Palace of Westminster, on the other hand, is the heart of British politics. It is also known as the Houses of Parliament. Though I am not really into the politics but I got a little bit anxious to see where better people work to make the country succeed and flourish.
  Take a walk at Nottinghill just because I might stumble upon great celebrities at London.

psssssttt May I know who is a PotterHead here? If you love Harry Potter that much,  we could take The Harry Potter Tour together and immediately become a best friend because we got a lot to talk about. I know this place would be on PotterHead's top list and I cannot miss that.

2. Immense in the unique history!
Loving the art and history? London is a plus plus peRFECTTT place to visit for. The history of London is so long and dramatic. I've got to be the London citizen to explore all the museums in London because London has more than 100 museums to select and explore. The best part of all,  is that most of the museum entry is fee-free and we definitely can enjoy it to bits because everything free is lovely.

I also want to terrify myself at the London Dungeons, a museum of horror, as well as visiting the Madame Tussaud because it is full of wax figures from famous people of different background. For example? Zoella and One Direction!

3. Explore the unexpected bits 💕
To add more feeling to my trip, I honestly want to watch the changing guard at Buckingham live and see the Queen by any chance.

I also want to pick the double decker bus. The bus will make us easy to move around.
You know what, red telephone box always gets me excited when I saw it around and I always hope that one day I get into the box by myself, make a real phone calls using the real red public phone. I know how cliche is that may sounds, but it is quite an exciting experience that I want to share with my friends or even my grandchildren when I gets older.  See , " travelling leaves you speechless, but then it turns you into a storyteller".

4. Watch the top class theatre play and musical
I may not the best fan of theatre play and musical in the world but I love the Phantom Opera so much that I actually want to discover and watch other English theatre live and share the experience with all of you. I find a lot of emotion when watching theatre and suprisingly I love it ! My favourite one is about love and romance. It pulls the string of my heart honestly. I can have dinner and watch the Royal Ballet at the same time too !

5. Shop till you drop

Whether you've got money to burn a hole in your pocket or just to nose past the stunning shops, there is no other place you can 'shop till you drop' than in London. I've watched a lot of London's vlog & haul, London definitely got everything for us to grab and be happy with it.  I've always and always want to do a shopping haul at London because I know I can find a lot of brand that is not available here in Malaysia at a very bargaining price. The one and all my must get products from London is actually from Zoella range itself. You know how much I love Zoella, I get intrigued to try all of her products because the reviews are so damn good. I wish I could grab ALL. like seriously I won't lie to you , I want to sweep all of her products ranges clean. #confessionofaShopaholic

A London Map for those who is interested to go to London? *me me *

So if you want to travel to London at a free cost, of course, Traveloka offers a huge opportunity so that everyone dreams can come true (not neccessarily it has to London). For your information, Traveloka is a hotel and flight booking website. They organize a contest right now which is very easy to join, either you are a blogger or not, you can join this right away. All you just need is a click of the creative idea and all will be LIT! For more information about the contest , click here or https://blog.traveloka.com/en/online-contest/

London has a diversity of beautiful place that we can experience. Just being at London has always been my dream. I used to aim continuing my study at the Oxford University a long while back but the luck was on my side. In fact, a few of my friends are studying there at UK. That actually means I have to visit them if I won the grand prize for the contest, isn't it ?. These are all My Top 5 Things I want to do at London if I ever had a chance to do so. I wish I could go there some days though it only just gonna be one day but it will absolutely become the best day of my life.

Any place in your mind that you wish to travel right now ?
Thank you for reading ! 


  1. london sounds great:)
    let's have a harry potter tour together

  2. london sounds great:)
    let's have a harry potter tour together

  3. London sounds great :)
    Let's have a Harry Potter tour together

  4. london is a great destination without a doubt!

    good luck!

    1. hopefully I can get my footprints there one day !

  5. wahhh ur post make me want to visit london!
    so many great things to discover in london.
    all the best :)

    1. awww thank you . London is such an amazing place to visit and I can't wait to go there one day.

  6. nice post girl! you deserve to win.

  7. nice post ... good luck too dear !!! 😍

  8. Harry porter jom! Hihi. Siqah teringin nak pergi tengok London Bridge. Duk nyanyi "london bridge is falling down, falling down" je. Hihi.

    Good luck dear! ��

  9. i might go to london this year.
    maybe before puasa.
    see u there.


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