x My 2016 Vanity Tour ♡ | Anys NADHILAH

My 2016 Vanity Tour ♡

December 23, 2016

I am so much excited for this blogpost idea and now you'll be reading it, so grab a cup of your favourite drink and enjoy! Basically, in this post, I am going to tell you a little bit details on whats on my vanity and the organization. I am not the most expert in organization so this is the best thing I can do so far.

Apparently, this is how my vanity looks like and I love it so much though I still planning to add more but I will just wait till 2017 strike to update my vanity. p/s I did actually have update some

I've been collecting makeup since 2014 as far as I can remember and during that day, I just loved to collect some of great lippies that I've been reading all over the internet. However,  my huge collections of makeup are actually from this year itself where I get a little bit of extra money and can afford to buy makeup that I dreamt of and actually want to try.

My vanity table/ makeup table is totally a DIY. I choose my study table as the main place for me to organize and do my makeup here but I had revamped this woody old desk to a more decent and nice looking desk by painted the surface to snow white color. I used wooden painter to paint it down. As for the mirror, I have to put it up a little to the left because I don't want it to cover the bathroom lamp switch and the water heater switch (which I think you've noticed it earlier). This is the only place I find it suitable as where vanity table should be because my room is quite small and this is where it gets most of the lights during the days.

I have a bouquet of died roses on my vanity table. and this is just to add a little bit girly features on my vanity. It looks 10 times better when it is still fresh and bloomy. I love the smell of the roses when I do my makeup but it has no fragrance at all.

Think Happy Vase is from Chumbak

I get my makeup organizer from the variety of places but don't worry I'll try to put a link so that you can buy the organizer as well if you want.  I try to make most of my organizer from acrylic though in my opinion it can collect dusk way more obvious and it really bothers me if it gets streak out.

I have the 3-Tier File Drawer from hardware store nearby
On top of the file drawer I have Round Acrylic Brush holder from Muji,
Acrylic Lipstick/Nailpaint stands 9 sections  from Amazon,
and Palette stands from Home Decor.
Next to the file drawer, I have Acrylic Drawer also from Amazon . Only RM60. Quite a bargain. Also can be found at Muji at much better quality.
Desk rack to display the blusher from Muji.
The Vanity Mirror is from Home Centre
Makeup box from Maybelline . I got it free when you purchased until certain amount.

I don't have a lot of makeup but they were quite collectible than a normal person would collect.
The lipstick array and brushes are on top of the file drawer as you can see.
Moving on to the file drawer, it stores most of my makeup.

In the file drawer, I keep
First tier -  BB cream and CC cream

Second tier -  Face products

Third tier -  Mascara, eyeliner, eyelashes , eyelash curler, glue and tweezer

Another lipstick storage of the acrylic one. I like this one because it is easy to see which lipstick color that I have from different brand.

In the Maybelline beauty box , I keep my brand new makeup that I haven't open yet. These are my recent haul that I kept in the beauty box.

That's all for my vanity tour and a preview of my makeup collection. I don't have as much makeup as you could probably imagine but this is it. I like reviewing makeup because some of them are really good and worth to be inside my vanity. I also bought most of the makeup using my own money and they are actually my satisfaction as I can experiment with it.
 I hope you enjoy reading this post. Have a great day !

Which drawer's section do you like the most?
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  1. The aesthetics of your vanity table... white table, white/cream makeup bag, the drawer. I'm loving the colour tone! Where did you get your mirror? :D

    ieyra h. | blog

    1. awww thank you Ieyra ! the table I completely DIY. I got the vanity mirror from Home centre India.

  2. BAAAAAAAAAAAABE I love this! Susahnya nak cari acrylic drawers tu! I love everything aaaah! <333

    1. AAAAWWWW thank you Erin ! I got it from Amazon, but you may get it from MUJI, or instgram itself. Sabbyprue blogger also sell it with custom design. Get yourself today! hehe

  3. I love everything but my eyes caught on the lipstick longer!

  4. Banyaknyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Siqah paling suka lipstick! Macam2 warna ada dan NYX is my favourite. Tapi susah nak jumpa nak beli warna yang siqah suka. Dulu beli kat IG tapi dah lupa namanya :(

    Suka suka semua! Suka semua tersusun cantik je 😍😍

    1. thank you Siqah ! hehe . anis pun baru je collect tahun ni . satu satu beli tapi mmg susah nak cari warna kita nak.

  5. apesal lawa sangat weyh. can you give tips on how you organize all your makeup? It looks so neat and easy to find

    1. Aww. Thank you Rasya! Insyallah I'll make a post about it okay ?

  6. Your vanity are so organized and pretty. Not like mine who always over the place. Haha. Love yours so much! 😊

  7. Cantiknya combination colour white and cream. Azwar paling-paling reti pakai lipstick, lain tak reti..

  8. wahhhhhh it is a really neat and organized vanity i must say!
    love how you organized it. and the maybelline beauty box looks cute. :D

  9. SO canteks!!!!!!


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