x Study tips ♥: Do it with your heart | Anys NADHILAH

Study tips ♥: Do it with your heart

October 6, 2015

Hello Love! Introducing a new fresh slot in my blog where I hope that I can help students on whatever course you are studying, but I would highly recommended my tips to a medical student because I have no idea how other courses have to study and the best study tips for them. Anyway, I believed for this post, same principles applied to whatever courses you in right now. So no worries, keep on reading;) 

Since I am currently third year medical student, I have accumulated some awesome study tips that I cannot wait to share it with you. My friends always and always ask tons of questions on how i study, and what not. Probably this post would elaborate a bit. However, by any means, I'm not claiming that my tips are the best, in fact in this slots, I just want to help you in your study if you have no idea where to start, what should you do and how perform in medical exam ;)

That's it for introduction. Experience wise first, What I have learnt today is , whatever I would do, whatever I want to do, do it by heart. Unfortunately, I forgot. Just forgot to learn by heart, thus, I was hitted by my poor exam result yesterday. To be honest, I was quite embarrased, but I know that I can perform better, it just I don't put all my soul on my study. That's the reason why I answered wrong in the examination because I had no idea what's going on in my study case. Not gonna happened again. No. No.

Being a clinical medical student and pre clinical student is vastly different. Miles different in every ways,  apart from you have to read a hell lot more than pre clinical years within a short period and put all of it into your head very fast. Sounds fantastic aite ! Brain, please be nice to us. However, our brain did not listen to us, we need to work out by ourself, systematically and most importantly, work it by heart, so that our brain can process a lot easier . you know, brain and heart is connected ♥

I tend to remember this one motivational quote.. Unless you puke, faint or die, keep going on.
In short, if we aim higher then we should concentrate our mind to only study. Wait a minute, concentrate on study doesn't mean that we don't get a life. We can have a life, we can read novels, watch youtube, make videos , watch movies, do charity works, picnic at weekend, make a business, everything! it just that we ought to wise in making decision, divide time and fight every students' problem, laziness. I would like to emphasize, one step to learn by heart is to get rid of the study laziness. But usually it will automatically get rid by itself when we already have a mind set. 

If you are reading this, what are you waiting for. Start studying by now, how hard you think , how lazy you are, just keep reading your lecture notes . Be a good worker. Be a good doctor to be. I believe at this moment, your work is only to study. Once you'd done with one lecture or one case, then take a break. Enjoy everything you did. Never complained if you want to see to a bright future and be an excellent student.


  1. Nice sharing, Anys. Its inspire me a lot!

  2. betul,,pre dgn clinical lain sgt,,kena deal dgn patient lagi,,,semoga kite sama sama kuat :D

  3. betul,,pre dgn clinical lain sgt,,kena deal dgn patient lagi,,,semoga kite sama sama kuat :D

  4. yes.. we must love things that we do =) baru sepenuh hati boleh terima..

  5. Thankyou for the post . it really give me new spirit to stay focus on my study . Yeah , even though my course material engineering different from your course sis , but im enjoyed read yours !
    Im hoping you will be a good doctor oneday , aminn . pray for me too sis . Love ya ! ;)

  6. agreed and plus must be focus in everything that u do.


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