x Watermelon Lemonade Candle Bath & Body Works | Anys NADHILAH

Watermelon Lemonade Candle Bath & Body Works

July 4, 2015

Assalamualaikum. Do you love candle ? Especially the scented one ? If you ask me, I'd answer I am just too much addicted to them the moment I have them a few days ago. I'm crazy over scented candles right now especially the Watermelon Lemonade series of White Barn Market candle by Bath & Body Works . Phew ~ such a long name to write, but worth it. I can't keep it alone, I have to share with you about the smell of this candle. It is too pleasuring to smells. I keep sniffing it all day long. I love the feeling going back to my room after a tiring day at my college, suprise suprise suprise , great smell always charging up my battery. It is a stress reliever ! Believe me ! It doesn't take long for the fragrance to saturate my room either. The smell is like a fresh  happy dappy candy to me.  It is sweet and like a sugary soft lemonade. I can't describe a smell very well , so this is what it says in Bath&Body Works website.

''The coolest sip of summer! Quench your thirst for long summer days with this refreshing blend of watermelon ice, sparkling water and freshly squeezed Meyer lemonsa''

So probably you must have Cool+Fresh+Watermelon+Water+Breeze+Lemon feel in your mind.

The packaging is just nice and simple . It comes with thick glass jar with reflective silvery cap.  The jar and the cap are sticked with high quality label sticker. It reads Watermelon Lemonade Scented Candle | Chandelle Parfumee, while on the cap, it reads White Barn Market. I'm not recommend to you to get this jar near to the water as the paper sticker my worn off.

What I love the most about this candle apart from the scent is the built of the cap. The bottom of the cap is stick with a rounded rubber along the circumference of the cap , just to secure the air inside of the candle when you do not open it. Once you open , the smell bursts !

Apart from that, the wax is so nice pastel in color , slight peach and orangey.

This is a bit info about the wax ( from B&B works website)
The Perfect 3-Wick Candle! Made using the highest concentration of fragrance oils, an exclusive blend of vegetable wax and wicks that won't burn out, our candles melt consistently & evenly, radiating enough fragrance to fill an entire room. Burns approximately 25 - 45 hours and measures 4" wide x 3 1/2" tall. Let's toast to a blend of juicy pink watermelon, freshly squeezed Meyer lemons & bubbly prosecco

I love this candle so much, i would go and buy other scents as well if I have the chance. If you have store nearby , I'd recommend you head on over and smell all their scented goodies. It worth it, though you are not buying ;)

Where to buy
Bath & Body Works 


  1. saya suka masuk B&B , cium semua candle... spray semua body mist... and keluar tak beli pape . hahaha . baru baru ni ada clearance sale.. menyesal tak beli T_T

    1. kannnn . sangat wangi . walaupun skrg ni actually dh masuk bulan 3 .. kalau ada sale lagi, wajib beli

  2. Lawanya jar lilin tu. Kalau dulu lilin jenis bulat kecil tu aje. Now, dah besar. Nice.

    Satu jar tu berapa harganya? Anys beli kat mana? Hehe

    1. kan ... besar dan berat ! serious! tapi best pegang. anis tak pasti. sebab ni anis dapat time swap dengan aynal. kalau promotion kena beli.

  3. Awww...i'd love myself a relaxing scent! Watermelon & lemonade sounds delish!
    Not so much a candle person because rase mcm sayangnye nak bakar duit tuu... heee

    1. hahahhaa ! kannn .. but it worth it! even since i got it, i never burn it down . but the smells are so so good and strong! sekarang letak dalam almari baju, habis semua wangi hehe


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