x Ipoh Food Hunting : Scenic Cafe Garden | Anys NADHILAH

Ipoh Food Hunting : Scenic Cafe Garden

July 7, 2015

Assalamualaikum .. Fresh story today ! Just ate this super yum seafood carbonara at Scenic Cafe Garden. As probably can tell by the title , this cafe is located at Ipoh.. and if you are ipoh citizen interested to try this , it is near by Petronas Taman Polo at the intersection to be exact. First impression, the outdoor landscape of this cafe is so cool ! it looks luxury yet super calm. We did eat in peace inside there. The food delivery was so fast and customer service 5 stars. It also may be due to we are the only customer there plus 2-3 more tables were being served. Very a few of people which is great if you don't like hectic cafe.

These are the interior designs , i think they want to make it like an old kind of chienese style, though it is a wooden furniture but it so cozy. Hygiene is great and suprisingly this cafe is air conditioning , and it is so cold! *my friend even shaking . it was not like some other cafe that have air cond but still feeling a bit hot.

Guess what ? This is not a photo booth but a front door . It always close which make me hesitate to enter the cafe at first, But i guess if you want to know this cafe is open or not , they probably close the main gate if it really closed.

Muka macam merajuk tak boleh belahhhh

selfie dari budak mok mok . pipi saye tu macam pau ayam dah .

Oh ya , not to forget about the food ..

I ate Saefood carbonara , It was great ! Love it but it was too much to me so I took away my food. All my other friends also like their dinner but there were some complains like the chicken was too small , and etc. But most of us was happy with food .

Price ?
My carbonara is RM26 each .
Mineral water RM3
Quite expensive isn't it ? But it is worth trying if you are food/cafe hunter like us ;)


  1. Bestnya ada cafe macam ni, mesti selesa sangat bila makan kat sana kan? Pipi macam pau pun still cantik. Hehe

    1. best ! carbonara dia the best lah , rasa teringin nak makan lagi. haha thank you !

  2. Nice restaurant! I'll try it very soon as I was stayed Ipoh now hihihi

    1. pergi pergi ! try the carbonara ! sedap tpi i take away sebab tak larat habiskan hehe

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    Di sana anda bisa dengan bebas share dan mendowload foto-foto keluarga dan trip, music, video, resepi dalam jumlah dan waktu yang tidak terbatas, setelah registrasi terlebih dahulu. Gratis :)

  4. Bulan ramadhan ni. Kalau belanja rakan bloggers makan kan baik. Haha. Anyway nice restaurant. Selamat berpuasa.


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