x SK-II Facial Treatment Gentle Cleanser Review | Anys NADHILAH

SK-II Facial Treatment Gentle Cleanser Review

June 9, 2015

It tooks me ages ya for this review ! I am so sorry ! I've been busy plus forgetful recently, but now it's time!
Everyone recognised SKII as a high branded skincare . Me too ! I would never expect or even think that I will use this someday in my life . Aku pernah tengok amoi di mall beli one set of SKII , her skin was damn glowing and looks so supple and smooth from far. I was amazed by her skin. Pastu terus aku pikir, iskkk SKII tu ni memang menjadi kot. sebab tu dia siap repurchase the skincare range.

Before - focus on the acne scars at both side of cheek (3-4 months ago)
and before it become scars T_T

After(April 2015)

 - It's magic~~~
but i defnitely not saying it comes purely from the cleanser . it comes from my routine maybe , or maybe it's already time for the scar to fade :)

I love the fact that this cleanser does not cause break out to my skin for such a long period. I've been using this cleanser for 3 months already and I can feel the smoothness of my skin after cleansing. It is very supple and the thing that I like the most is the smell. It smells awesome ! a bit of floral scent and I love it!
I am not too sure this cleanser is an original SKII brand or not since this miniature set was manufactured at Japan while the full size was manufactured at Korea. I have a little doubt here and I haven't check it at any SKII outlet. Anyway, since this cleanser is just good for my skin so I would recommend this cleanser to those who has acne prone skin.It works wonder but a little bit pricey for 20ml.
Price : RM30 [20ml]
Where to buy : Instashop


  1. nad kene tengok produk yang sesuai..takleh main pakai je..you look gorgeous..:)

    1. that is so true Nad .. kadang2 tak sesuai dgn kulit..

  2. Nampak mcm berkesan je! But yup, I think I'm still not old enough to try it. Despite the cost. Anyway, akak punye face look glowy! <3


    1. tu la kan . anis rasa macam ok la jugak . give it a try once u ready.
      thanks dear !

  3. Did you change your blog layout? because it looks different from my memory (I don't really remember exactly but it just feels different..haha)
    SK-II is soooo expensive. My face isn't the type to act up so I'm fine with using more inexpensive range :) Just bukan main simply pakai la sebab even good skin has its limits kan.. ^^ You look so pretty!

    1. i change it before, but i think last time u came here it was just the same template. maybe your thought is different, keke.
      righttt.. i also cannot afford the full size one , but thanks to this miniature.
      a'ah kena cari yang sesuai dengan skin . thanks dear !

  4. Nampak perubahan kat kulit Anys. Such a good product :)

    1. kannnn . rasa happy sebab parut jerawat kat pp tu gone ! hhuhu

  5. nama pun SKII hahaha.. i used to use SKII for 2 years tapi lepas dah try hadalabo terus tinggal SKII hehehe..


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