x Hello June ! Snapshots this week | Anys NADHILAH

Hello June ! Snapshots this week

June 1, 2015

I've been loving VSCOcam apparently ,. and these are some pictures I have captured and edited .
Some description maybe ,

Heart Pillow

My everynight cuddle , love it !

Oxford Handbook Clinical Medicine-
A new book to be lifetime companion
Love Rosie - Best novel !

Runningman - my fav!

Have to get ready for MUET too

In process of OOTD video in youtube and I already uploaded one .

Bubye May . Meet you again next year . and  Welcome beautiful June ;D


  1. Tak sabar nak tunggu video baru. Hehe

  2. Is VSCO an app? the pictures are so prettyy...i want effects like that too! Teach me senpai! hehe..
    Good luck for MUET :) You can do it babeh!


    1. yes yesss babe! it is .. kannnnn .. anis pun baru dok main2 dgn apps tuu. sure ! i will !hehe

  3. nak sit for muet ke ? good luck =)
    hehehe akak suka running man gak.. kwangsoo ehehe..


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