x My Wishlists // long term | Anys NADHILAH

My Wishlists // long term

June 5, 2015

Disclaimer : This is not to brag , I just want to share what is in my wishlist bucket and what have I accomplished by myself. Personally I think I have quite achievement I'm proud of but I rarely share because I'm afraid people would think in any other way . But let's be positive. Hopefully it would inspire you guys to believe that every of your dream would become true if you dare to dream bigger and give a tiny bit more effort.

 Top 12 Medical Student (RCMP@2014)
 Top 6 Medical Student (RCMP@2015)
 MUET band 4
 Graduate MBBS
 A Successful Doctor
 A Successful Entrepreneur
To be honest, I am a nerdy person. I am quite competitive sometimes and I also am a firm believer of knowledge is powerful. And seeking knowledge is a duty upon every Muslim.

 A Successful Youtuber and Blogger
 Positive mind , Positive vibe , Positive Life
 Travel to UK and meet Zoella
I love socializing though I am not a really fun person but hey ho , who don't love a little getaway from the real world.

High-end Make up
 Mac Lipstick Collection
 Roller lash Mascara from Benefit
 They're real Mascara from Benefit
At the age of 22, I recently fall deep in love with make up and I have own way more than I ever wish. What really inspire me to learn more about makeup is you. I wish I could share bits and pieces of what I know about makeup. For the first time, I trully admit that ''make up is an ART'.

 Macbook Pro 750gb
 Iphone 6
 Sony Cybershot Waterproof
 Vlogging G7X Canon camera
 Camera for youtube (possibly DSLR in 2017 haha)
I bought all these using my own money, and that's why saving is really important habits in our life.

 Love, Rosie
 Michelle Pan Beauty book
 Produce my own book
I wish I could read more literary book genre. I need to do this before I turn 23 #semogaberjaya

Home Decoration
 White room furniture (for marriage)
 Own a dream modern house
 Pinterest deco of my own living room

I didn't realize I have a bunch of wishlists , I better get my ass geared up before I turn old and grey.
Copyright 2016


  1. Good luck granting your wishlist! Hope for the best! Such an ambitious dream to hold on <3


  2. good luck ! finally found someone who fangirling Zoella too . (secretly fangirling her for ages :P)

  3. What! I am very offended by your DISTASTEFUL NEED TO SHOW OFF & BRAG!!!

    hehe.. kidding.. :p Good job Anys! It's good to have aims in life. Makes achieving them so much more easier and keeps yourself focus on the prize! My pet peeve is people who is too comfortable in their comfort zone and don't want to budge and try something that would shake their rut a little. Like, ugghh..


    1. ahhh , I am so suprised to read the first sentence at first hehe . there's nothing to brag there . nothing too outstanding .
      anyway, thank you ! insyallah i will try my best to strive the success.

  4. Wow, quite surprised. Btw, good luck in advanced for you to achieve all you wishlists :)@

    1. wow apa yang syaza suprised too? in a good way or the other way around? hehe . thank you yang !


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