x Cabaran 30 hari : Sesuatu yang menguatkan anda | Anys NADHILAH

Cabaran 30 hari : Sesuatu yang menguatkan anda

September 8, 2014



First thing I was thinking in my mind when I read the title,. of course the one that really strenghten me is Allah.
When I'm up,Allah is the reason why. And when I'm down,Allah is the place where I share everything and seek for help.

"Thee do we serve, thee do we beseech for help" - Al fatihah

Not to forget,my parents. Mom n dad is the reason why I'm living till today, I'm studying and all. They gave a huge unseen support. Money, Love ,Protection and all.

Apart from that, FOOD also strengthen me up. I love eating and I am happy to eat anything I like !!
espcially tomyam, chee nyumnyumnyumm


  1. Susu? Hehe..ana tak suka susu. Hakikatnye susu memang menguatkan tubuh badan. Yg ade lembu susu sekali tu da kenape? Pakej eh? Haha. :D btw ana pun suka tomyam. Tomyam kedai paling sedap, sendiri masak macam tak best. Hik3

  2. Muda2 pun kena minum susu tau.. untuk cegah ostioporosis.. (betul ke eja tu? huhu) Jgn tunggu dah tua baru nak minum..

  3. Hahaha. Betul tu. Allah ada di setiap helaan nafas kita. ^^ tak pernah sesaat pun lupakan kita. ^^. Hahaha. Susu. Tringinn nak minum susu kambing pulakk. Huhuhu

  4. Oh ya. Awat ada gambar lembu akhir sekali~ :p


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