x Rainbow Cookies murah ❤ | Anys NADHILAH

Rainbow Cookies murah ❤

August 1, 2014

Assalamualaikum .

Since I got nothing to update, so I thought I would share you my most wanted cookies for the eid this year.

I have eaten this cookies a few months ago, and I just ate a few pieces. so that's why in holy Ramadhan month,I was very very desperately looking and craving for it but in a cheap price!
I have surveyed the price of this cookies from a lot of shops,stalls at bazar and some more where I could fine these cookies. Most of the price is like Rm10 for 40pieces.  rm20 for 80 pcs.

But but , I have found more cheaper price at Instagram, which is RM20 for 100pcs! very affordable but when you have to add Rm6 for postage fees then it become more or less the same. Plus let say when the cookies fly from Kuala Lumpur to Kedah then I guess it would broken down it pieces.


These cookies looks really tasty and interesting as the design itself which is colourful!
Looks are very convincing right
Sometimes,I love to eat this cookies because of the attractiveness of the color.

So I got mine from Langkawi,I ask my aunty to buy it for me since she told me that this cookies is only rm18. but it turn out to be rm22 in this raya. I dont know either I've got wrong information or what.

If you wonder how these cookies taste like, you can just eat samperit because the taste is definitely the same, but samperit is more smooth and more flour or milk I guess. These cookies are more crunchy, rough but delicious. not so delicious but not bad. ;)

That's all from me.

You can get the cookies Rm20 for 100 pieces from instagram @annebakery


from Simply Bakelicious
0164268280 (rabiatul)

Hope this helps ❤


  1. wah.. so cheap? RM10 for 40pcs? RM20 for 80pcs? akak beli dulu RM15 for 40pcs dan sgt kecik. Sekali hadap je mkn tau huhu..

    1. haha.. tu la..ada je tempat yg jual mahal.. anis pon xtahu apa la bezanya dgn yg murah sikit ni sbb lain2 harga.. sedap la sbb tu skli hadap je.hehe


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