x Hey it relaxs me a lot! | Anys NADHILAH

Hey it relaxs me a lot!

March 25, 2014


Hey this music background of pet rescue by saga soothes me a lot. I'm listening to this music while studying.

Physiology,pharmacology,anatomy,biochemistry are just a huge box of gift to me to study tonight. guess I can't finished all the lecture notes but like smart people do, study smart !!

kiki. but still I can't figure out on how to study smart in medical. from what I know is to study DAMN HARD . like power degree of my spec already increase.....
going to be specky girl,wife and doctor one dayyyy . NOOOOO pleasee.
is it really I'm books nerdy or movies nerdy that makes me having 4eyes. 2of them framed.

emm ;( . my deepest condolense to MH370 passengers n their families,lets duas for them.



  1. go anyss go!! fight! fight! fight! dear bff, everything that we do for the sake of Allah.. insyaallah everything's gonna be fine..


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