x Doa Menaiki kenderaan, Safety first ! | Anys NADHILAH

Doa Menaiki kenderaan, Safety first !

December 6, 2012

Recently , one of my family members had an accident near to his house . I did'nt know whose fault . But the things had already happened , we cannot stopped it or reversed the time . He was in ICU a few days ago . He was in comma . I ask my friends, is comma will cause death . And they say yes , depend on how bad , and faith . :(  But now , praise to Allah , he is already in normal condition . Hope he will get well soon .Amin .

As for me , a car driver , i am also worried about accidents ,. it can happen to everyone who ride to go to somewhere . so why not as a precaution the first thing we need to do is read prayer . Insyallah , Allah will keep us safe along our journey . Next , dont forget to wear SAFETY BELT !

REMEMBER , where you are , safety first ,. jangan harap takut JPJ jeerrr . :D  see you next time ! :D peaceeee ,


  1. saya masih ingat,saya terlupa nak baca doa naik kenderaan kerana sibuk hal lain,akhirnya accident,namun demikian kami sekeluarga tidak apa2...sebab kebiasaan tidak pernah lupa membacanya...

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    ThanKYU ♥


  4. lagi satu, masa masuk dalam kereta tu, masa tengah pegang stereng tu , amalkan baca ayat QulhuallahuAhad. baca ayat tu 3 kali sebelum mula bergerak.. InshaaAllah kita akan dilindungiNya.. :)


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