x Sick | Anys NADHILAH


June 10, 2012

lalalalala .. ok , as a update today , a very boring day . let's start with my life activities . oh before that , i would tell you . I had disable my 'comment in my blog' sorry , its not because I dont get responses or what . its bcoz I just want it to be private to myself .. no one would comment , no one would critics , no one would bla bla bla . and I dont get to think about the good and bad comments bcoz after this I will just update this blog about my messy life at here and maybe a few beauty sponsored reviews .of course i got to finish them first ! :D and i would enable that 'comment function' one day when I tend to manage my blog .. huhu .
see , i cannot manage my blog after two weeks at Pasum , i am not too busy , but I am too lazy .. when i want to update my blog , i would think , do i need ? what kind of story .? i dont have picture ..i dont have even ideas .and of course i would think that I havent do revision yet. so my intention cancelled immediately . :D

morning . eat at cafe about 11 with my Pendang(Kedah) friends ,2 from UM , 2 from UIA..
              go to student's clinic .. but it closed
afternoon playing plant zombie game
              eat burger
              keep online until night .

I am sleepy but cannot sleep :( I am sleepy coz I eat medicine maybe .. and my body is quite hot ..
I just eat panadol .. pity me  T_T I also put Kool Fever at my forehead last night but nothing changed , because when I bought that Kool fever , its already not cool , and last night i think it just remain at my forehead for less one hour .. haha , when i woke up in that morning , i see that the kool fever was stick at my pillow . damn ,.. the one who sick is me , not that pillow ! tommorow my class started ..I have to be strong and look healthy . chaiyookk ..

till here my baby blog .. thanks coz give me space to tell story at here ...


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