x ♥ Lioele Glittering Jewel Liner Sponsored Review | Anys NADHILAH

♥ Lioele Glittering Jewel Liner Sponsored Review

May 23, 2012

Hello friends ! Sorry for overdelay this review.. T_T  I'm quite busy this week .. So before I went to PASUM , I would like to settle this review first .. Hehe .. This Lioele Glittering Jewel Liner is sent to me for review purpose by Liliesshop .

LiliesShop.net is a Vancouver based company in Canada selling items from Korea(Except jewerlies) LiliesShop.net was founded in November 2009 and has been operating successfully until the present day. They are an online retailer/wholesaler of women's and men's cosmetics, contact lenses, Korean fashion wigs, accessories, jewelry, and much more.

 They kindly sent me two Lioele cosmetics, a very famous brand in Korea.Lots of people were looking for this brand as their BB Cream , Eyeliner is very quality .. I agree with all people reviews as I already experience this Lioele Cosmetic .. Thanks Liliesshop*^_^*

Now I present you  ♥ Lioele Glittering Jewel Liner 

Description : This matte dark black liner makes sophisticated eye make up easier and sexy than ever !

This is the look of Lioele Glittering Jewel Liner .Oh my god , pink cap ! I love it ^_^

Best of Best !! Yes best of best . This my only pencil eyeliner which really blacken my eyes waterline with thick matte and never smudge  .
I have a lots of experience with pencil eyeliner as my first eyeliner is in pencil not liquid form .. I was using a lot of brand , and most of them did not make me happy ..
There are always smudging when I use it more than 15-30 minutes .

Inside look *sorry for blurrie image  :(
Not sharp anymore . hehehe (^>^)
I recommended this eyeliner to use at your eyes waterline only(best function of this eyeliner) ^_^
Before this , I have stop using pencil eyeliner at my eye waterline , but since i got this eyeliner , I never forget to use this eyeliner everytime I went out ^_^ 
This eyeliner also easy to clean ! No need to use makeup remover yet ;) 

Ok done ! Now lets waste your  time staring my picture below ;D Haha

 I want to upload more pictures but my eyes bag spoil everything ! aahhh ! i dont want to go PASUM with eyebag like Panda !!! hehehehew ! 

In conclusion , I like this eyeliner very much . 
I wish they could sponsor me more Lioele Cosmetics *slap ;D

If you want this eyeliner , you can purchase it here and dont forget to use 'anysnadhilah' as a coupon code to get 5% discount ! See you later bloggers ^ ^

Little update of my life
Recently i had spend 3 whole days to finish my own mini shop website .. quite dizzy with the javescript, html , need to format again when the shopping cart did not function ..
FYI , I am just a reseller .. but I was really interested to have it by my own and sell it like before ..
But I must understand and responsible knowing that I am just a student .
not a business woman like my friends said to me . haha , including my blogger friends . 
I was ????? why they said I am a business woman ? haha .
but you know what , I just dream to be a business woman , but i realised i cannot handle so many thing ..
Business woman here mean a very big business woman which have my own big company .famous company , all people like my products , like my services .. awww .. but what i know , 10 years ahead , I will just be a doctor .. haha , or  a speacialist in cardiology(not sure yet).. ;D 
Hope it will come true .. ;)

Next , I also dream to make my own collection of pouch and hijabi bow(<-- this one will make*doesn't need sewing machine)  ..but now I am heading to university , i cannot using sewing machine anymore ^_^ gotta miss u Singer(sewing machine Brand) . :)


  1. yang #03 tu macam penah nampak je. actor kan ?

    1. dari #01 orang yang sama .. hehe
      ya korea actress :D

  2. http://st0ryab0utprincess.blogspot.com/2012/05/midyear-giveaway-by-fieza-yana.html

    Jom joinnn !!

  3. wow....u r sweet...doesnt matter what u ware...what u use...they always suits u best...

    1. hehe.. i wish like that ^^,
      thank youu HeNRieTTa JoSe :D

  4. anyys pakai cantek la. akak pakai jadi buruk! :( huhu

    1. hehe , mana ada sis . ala sis cuma different type smpai jumpa yang betul ngam mesti ok ! hehe ;D

  5. The eyeliner looks creamy ! If you don't said that it is a pencil eyeliner, I would thought it was an liquid haha :D

    1. hehe .. yapp !
      the eyeliner is definitely creamy but does not smudging ! ;)

  6. bisneswoman berjaya and doktot berjaya ! hewhew

  7. wahhh... selamat datang ke alam merah jambu... weeeehuu.. :D leh kawan.. lalala..

  8. nanti bolehlah bukak clinic + kedai make up sekali!heheh

  9. waaa, so cute . cantiknya mata :)

  10. bila nak update ni agak2nya??hehehe

  11. cantik mata :D teleng teleng kepala tengok gambar taw. haha

  12. lovely blog!!! visit mine sometimes!

    xoxo jenna

  13. hoho nice nicee..da main ngan javascript...i love it!

  14. awak yang bermata cantik.. bila nak update ni?? hehehe

  15. awesome liner,i hear a lot about this product in magazine..and the result are so great,perfect wings liner you do..≧◡≦

  16. hai anyss pekaba?sori lama tak singgah..cantik..sesuai ngan anyss

  17. wahhh!!
    saya pown ada eye bag lah ~~
    seddih sungguh

    saya tag awak untuk join segmen ni
    simple jerr


    nice wall friend

    visit me at



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