x ♥ Etude House Golden Ratio Face Glam Review | Anys NADHILAH

♥ Etude House Golden Ratio Face Glam Review

May 3, 2012

♥ Hello bloggers , 
i was very tired today .. i dont know why ,i am very hungry ,i have no stock of junk food at my home right now .... so so bad to me ... 

So today i would like to review  Etude House Golden Ratio Face Glam. I am very excited to review this but my camera quality spoiled everything , i can't show you how it looks like on my face ..
and please readers , dont get bored with my review . i know my readers circle dont really like make up i think . hehh , am i right ? Hope not ^_* except for men .'dont you ever like make up okayy!' hahah

So here there are , Golden Ration Face Glam from Etude Houseeee .. Korean brand ..
This is kindly sponsored by Rie Boutique . They are really kind to send me two colours of this Face Glam ..yeayy

If you dont know 'aiihh , what face glam face glam , i dont know , it is BB Cream ? It is foundation? it is so awesome ha ???
I would answer , nope they are not , but it is really really amazing and recommended .
Face Glam maybe is the short form of face glamour , it is not bb cream or foundation .. It is highlighter which will highlight your nose , cheek bone , your eyebag*if u have and so much more ..
But it is not suitable to put too much at whole of your face . because its has super fine glitter.. if you did , so face will become like disko ball light . muahahaa . 

Golden Ratio Face Glam  has two colours/tone .
#01 Gold
#02 Pink

I like Pink more because it brighten my face ! :D

Tadaa , they have a sweet and clear mirror inside .. i likeee : P Lol , this is outdoor , sorry for the natural enviroment , . 'Save Earth' ok tak ada kaitan ..

Ya ya this is#01 Gold .. It's look like yellow but when you put on your face , it will turn pink !
Jangan pening2  , walaupun ia akan jadi merah jambu, namun kesan mencerah tu tak begitu jelas.. 
While kat bawah ni #02 Pink
My favourite !

This is the swatch on my hand,. 
top is #01 Gold 
bottom #02 Pink

very nice smell 
gives whitening effect *for #02 Pink
gives natural blend *for #01 Gold
make my skin looks more healthy
gives glowing effect
yes, its give glamour effect
last longer 
complete my glamour face ;p

A lot of super fine glitter, so i cannot wear at my entire face
to me , not cheap , hahah .
but it is affordable

want to know the price? how about to check it by yourself at Etude House store .lol,

Ok just an idiot joke , 
the price is RM50 at Etude House ,
while Rie Butik sell it just only RM39
Save RM11 ..
want to save more ?? 
Add other korea products until reach RM50 and use this coupon code to get 10% discount !

Rie Butik is the cheapest store if you want to get Etude House products . 
Find out moree a their website !

Etude House etude house ! I really want to try the Kiss Note Lipstick !!
So cute ..


  1. wah, 1st taem dgr brand nih..hihihi

    1. wahh , yeke erma . femes brand ni taw ..huhu ;D
      ag pon anys baru ja tahu tahun lepas je .. hehe

  2. Wow...brand baru...tapi takde salahnya kalau mencuba kan?hehe,.mesti lepas ni lagi ramai yg akan mencuba brand ni nanti...hehe...

    Limau Hilangkan Kelemumur?

    1. yaa .. err brand baru tu rasanya x .. ;D
      ya ya betul tu !hhu

  3. okeh..nice jugak nie anyss..baru tau nie..thanks share dear..:)

    1. hehe .. ha'ahh bagus tahu .. huhu
      welcome dear ^_^

  4. princess wanna-be,ambikla tips ritu...bukak kedai bodyshop!haha XD

    1. hahaha .. mmg nak buka kalau mampu .
      buka kedai cosmetic sendiri . hehehhehe

  5. hey ho i'm a big fan of Etude House. From facial cleanser and all. This face glam actually works best with their precious mineral BB cream. all you have to do is blend the bb cream with this creamy face glam. after that the top part is used to highlight your nose, cheekbone, browbone and ur chin. it looks perfect when u even sweat. and the best part this will makes u looks like u got the professional touch on ur face. try it on.

    1. hello hanie, yeahhh ,i am one of their fan too ! but not really big . hehe , because its hard to get at my place , i just can purchase it online .. ;(
      about the face glam .. i also blend it with my bb cream but it still give a shiny(glitter) look which i not really like it when taking pictures with flash . but it still ok laa.. i will try with precious minerall BB soon !
      Did you use it too ? i heard from the other vlogger, its quite good ^_^

    2. yeap. i'm still using it till now. later i'll show you the effect when i even put a simple make up but it turn out so well and perfect.just don't put the face glam too much. and the mineral bb cream itself able to conceal your skin and cover the spots.(which i had on my face =p).

      i really recommend their mineral bb cream for you to try on.

  6. saya xtahu apekebenda tu sebenarnya Heehe

    1. hahaha , its highlighter sayang ...
      untuk highlight bhgian muka yang tertentu ..
      supaya muka kita lebih berdimensi ;)

  7. xyah guna compact powder la kan,klu x hilang shimmering tu

    1. not really dear ... sebab i selalu tempek compact powder je jugak sikit . still showing its effect :D

  8. SEDIHNYA website tu tak boleh masuk dh :(

    1. dear .. boleh je i try bukak .dorang under multiply web ..


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