x ♥ Candy doll Lipgloss in Strawberry Milk | Anys NADHILAH

♥ Candy doll Lipgloss in Strawberry Milk

May 16, 2012

Hello everyone , I'm free right now .. so I decided to finish this Candy doll lip gloss review , as it is drafted couple of weeks ago !  aiyooo ... (・v・)ノ

As you know , this Candy Doll brand is brought to you by Tsubasa Masuwaka and kindly sponsored to me by Vivace Dolce .Both of them is really awesome . !
"Candy Doll is a cosmetics that realizes the wish that the girls wants to be cute. Sweet as fluffy, happy as milky, it begins sparkling as made magic "

 Auuucak ! She is Tsubasa . i love her look ! She is the owner of Candy Doll and Dolly wink brand .. I also dream to produce some product when I grow older soon *wekk . haha. LOL joke .. if i can ..

 ♥ Gelato Glitter 香草珠光
♥ Macaroon Pink 粉红马卡龙
♥ Strawberry Milk 草莓牛奶
♥ Peach Orange 蜜桃香橙
♥ Milky Orange 粉嫩柑橘
♥ Milk Tea Beige 奶茶褐

This is the Lip gloss packaging .. it is very cuteee to me.. I got this lip gloss in Strawberry milk..
I really want to try it out and I think I can be a doll like tsubasa with that color !So so so excited ! Huhu

This is the look inside .. Really hygiene brush*can i call brush ?? sorry.
Because of I dont have Lip Concealer , so I just dap dap my bb cream at my lip for the first time ,. then when I applied the lip gloss on my lip , the milk color really turn out .. It would be better if my skin is fairer T_T.  I snap the picture , but it really weird to me , so I wont show you . kahkahkah ..
but dont worry , for the second time I use my maybeline lip balm as the base , and I really like color too even it does not show the real color ..not only that, this lip gloss is last longer though I was eating,laughing,sleeping .. ;D no need to worry about the moisture ..

Strawberry milk swatch

Kyaaa .. my bomb face ..♥(。→v←。)♥ ~~ what make my face become shiny ?
I think that is Face Glam Etude House Effect . read my review >here<
Just focus at my lip yaa . other than that , please ignore , please please ignore ^_* .


give shiny lip
last longer
cute packaging
i feel cute when wear  it . haha

less color 

My overall rating
♥♥♥♥♥  3/5

And this is my haul make up last month..Yeehaa , finally . I just really want it ..
*start from left Dolly wink #01 Eyeshadow,Dolly wink Eyeliner,Candy Doll cheek color in peach pink,Candy Doll Highlighter ..
All the items , I purchased it from Vivace Dolce and she also include me two free gift with free postage .. she is so kind .. She help me to buy Etude House White Eyeliner  at Etude House store near at her place too as it is hard to get at my area..,

If you interested with any Japan products , do not hesitate to order it from Vivace Dolce.
Also don't forget to like Vivace page ;) Thank youuu ..

Lastly , Happy Teacher's Day to all teachers .. We love youu so much ^_^/  


  1. nice blog..:)


  2. The lip gloss looks really good on you!! Thanks for visiting my blog!! Yours is SO cute, and I've been loving reading all your posts! I'm following now, and hope you'll follow back ^^

    <3 Amanda,

    1. Hye Amanda .. Thank you .. I like the lip gloss too ^_*
      aww I'm glad you love it and thanks for visiting my blog too ^_^
      Sure .. done follow you babe ;D

  3. teleng jap kepala tengok gambar sys. cantik! hehe :D

    1. aaaa jgn tegur yang kena teleng kepalaa tu ;( hehe
      dah edit rotate , tp still bila upload jadi gini.
      muehehe , thank youu ^_^

  4. nasib baik tak patah tengkuk nengok gambo awak. haha.
    btw, lip gloss tu memang menarik. ;)

    1. amboii , smpai hati .. hehe ..
      yaaa mmg menarik dear , cecuba2 ;)

  5. Nice Lip gloss Anys :D Cantik. hehe.

    1. hye sally . hehe , thank youu ^_^ give a try ? ;)

  6. naper ade love2 kat bibir tu?haha...pandai betul nak promote yer... XD

    1. hahaha , kenapa eh ? mesti la nak promote bibir je .. hehehe:P

  7. Ohh I love candydoll lipglosses! The colors are so cute and juicy haha

    1. awww , christina , thanks stopped by ;)
      yayy , i love it too *_^
      juicy effect .. agreed!

  8. awesome la..anyss..feel cute ek?bape harga ek?

    1. hehe .. thankss .. yaa , feel cute sebab model dia pon cute haa . packaging pon cute . hikhik
      RM55 ..
      more candy doll product at here

  9. lovely! Why didn't you just purchase this from Sasa though?

    1. Thank youu ^_^
      Unfortunately , it hard to find Sasa at my area ;(

  10. HI sweetie =) thanks for the review. btw, Just an opinion, i think you look like a Korean/Japanese O_o Very beautiful. Why dont you try to buy a blond wig online and wear it ? I think you will look something like Tsubana =D


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