x Princess Mimi Brown from LensVillage | Anys NADHILAH

Princess Mimi Brown from LensVillage

April 25, 2012

Hello and Assalamualaikum pretty ヽ(;▽;)ノ
Today i have a lovely day which I just received my Japan cosmetics products and also my adorable lenses ! One of my lens is from LensVillage .. I am so suprise with their service because it is really fast .. other than that, the packaging was so sweet  as you can see below . They have their own boxed and it is in smooth pink and white color . It will be just a sweet gift if they put a ribbon there , but the box now was just so neat without ribbon , ..With the boxed , i think lens look more exclusive .. ^_^

 I am so curious what is inside .. Tadaaaa . my Princess Mimi Brown a.k.a Bambi .

waahhh , i really really love it !(*eventhough i'm not open it yet) LOL ;)

As you can see the lens packaging is really really secure , safe and neat .. aww .. i love LensVillage
their customer service and shipping process is really good .. believe me ;) Most recommended circle lens store worldwide ..

I am so excited to wear it now ..

As you can see the design .. super gorgoeus right?

Now its show time . ****Photos Spamming****

 ヾ(´^ω^)ノ♪ with flash

ヾ(´^ω^)ノ♪ no flash ;)


Overall Rating
Colors :  9/10
Design : 9/10
Comfortable : 10/10
Moisture : 9/10
Enlargement : 9/10

My overall review is when wearing this lens,I really don't feel I was wearing lens because it is superb comfortable . It does not irritate my eyes .. It does not make my eyes dry and become tired too.
The design also looks good so I think this lens will become my favourite lens ! My favourite ! of course ..

So a very big thanks too LensVillage ヾ( ゚∀゚)ノ゙ for sending me this .. they are really kind and the services is very very good.
No need to rate la because for sure I will give 10/10 of their service . he hehe .. See how nice them are ;) and with every purchase made,they will also give us free contact lens case :)
Not only that , If you post a photo of your lens at their fan page,you also stand a chance to win more prizes ! (^Д^)フ

Dont forget to take a visit at LensVillage and like their fan page too ! 
There are much more adorable lenses !
Hope you enjoy this review !  Happy shopping ..

anys nadhilah


  1. woow..kemain bercahaya mata anyss..haah..nice..xbape suka sngat pakai c.lens..pedih mata..tp cantik kaler die.:)

    1. wow ... hehe , mana ada cahaya ,, hikiki .
      yeke , tp lens ni mmg super comfortable taw , huhu ..
      btw tq TF! ;)

  2. so sweet of u dear.. the last 2 pics, i thought you're the lens model.. but its actually u :)

    1. hehe .. thank you dear . you are more sweet ;)
      oh ya? aww . thanks for the compliment ,! ^_^
      really appreciate it ..
      because this is my first circle lense review ;)

  3. Replies
    1. haisshh , mana ada . huhu
      btw tengkiu cik eyla .. huhu

  4. nice color lens..dan tuan blog pun sgt cantik =)

    1. yup .. color dia nmpak match dengan kulit orang asia rasanya , ihi...
      tengkiu ayu ! ;)

  5. anyss ! cantik lens :) tapi nanak tnya pasai lip :P cantinya wana lips , pakai lipgloss or lipstick apa yaa ?

    1. yaa .. ha'ah .. anys pon suka dgn lens ..lama dah , hehe ..
      pakai lip balm + lip gloss .. hehe :)

  6. terkehel2 tgk pic ni semua heheheh

    1. ha ?? amboii , hehe .. ;) satu pengaruh yang bagus ni smpai terkehel2 , hihi

  7. Wah, kak anyss omey! pakai pape pun tetap cantik. hihi

    lawa la warna lens dia. kotak lens pun ekslusif jea. :DD

    1. Eh mana ada omey pon dik ! hehe
      yaa .. cantik warnaa dia .. sis pon suka sangat , hihi

  8. cantik la ko pakai tapi tak sesuai kot kat aku yang gelap ni sbb kaler brown/gold tu sangat la terang. hihihihihi..tp kalau gray ohhh i loike..

    mana cosmetics products.nak tengok.hehehe

    thank. menang kebetulan je lipice tu kot.haha..ko ada join tak.

    1. hihihihi .. oh gray anys suka jugak!! hehe ..tp untuk princess mimi ni lom cuba ag , maybe next time .. hehe

      ada ada ,, ngeh2 .. nnti i bg u tengok yaa . hehe ,
      welcome .. photogenic gmbar tu , hehehe
      ada ! dpt consolation prizes je , ihihi ..

  9. cantiknya tapi sheda tak berani nak pakai lens.

    1. ihi , tq sheda ..
      yeke .. dulu anys tak berani lak ,
      sekarang boleh tahan je .. hehe
      gpon anys tak selalu pakai . huhu ^_^

  10. helo gorgeous! hehe.comel la awak ^^
    jesse pn nak survey2 lens la aftr ni..hehe. lama tak pkai yg setail cmni..
    lens village ni best x?hehe

    1. Helo .. hehe , thank you ^_^
      acecehh , haa boleh jugak .. survey online best , hehe
      Lens Village ni best , selain kotak dia boleh recycle , contoh nak letak brg2 apa ,. dorang jugak bg free lens case .. mungkin leh dapat animal lens case .. chaiyokk .:)

  11. cantik siot. modelkah anda ? tanpa lens or dgn lens u look stunning

    1. thanks .. iye iye model sdn bhd ..hahaha
      ok joke , bukan model..:)
      ohh , thank youuu.. ^_^

  12. cantik laa lip anys . pakai ape ek dear?

    1. anys mix lip ice sheer color n candy doll lipgloss(japan product) ;)
      hehe , thank you ;)

  13. wow! the circle lense are very nice :) and it looks on you very cute :3 your blog is very cute



    1. hehe .. thank you dear .. you 'll look cute with circle lens too ..
      i'm sure with that ;)
      thank you ..
      visiting you beauthi .. ;)

  14. Pretty Nice post, thanks for sharing it here!

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