x ♥ Hoodie Maxi Dress Review | Anys NADHILAH

♥ Hoodie Maxi Dress Review

April 27, 2012

Hello guys.. ^_^ do you believe give and take ? ;) hmm ..

Back to the topic , this hoodie maxi is sponsored by Tri Fa Wardrobe . Thank you so much ^_^ and sorry for overdelay this review . hekeke ,  actually this maxi was sent to me long time ago , I rarely wear maxi, that why i keep in my cupboard until I forgot it(sorry).. and i realized a few days ago ..

I dont know how to review this maxi because it involved my whole body . dan tak ada orang nak tolong tangkap gambar seluruh kite >_< so i just think want to review their service , shipment process and th maxi quality ..

Ini adalah gambaran maxi tersebut but i got the red one ya ..

Honestly , i dont think this maxi is suitable enough for teenager like me ^_^
however , it would look very elegant and stunning to girls aged 20 and above..
It would more pretty if you can wear it with belt and some bracelets ^_^

My overall rating and review

Jenis kain 
 ♥♥♥♥ 4/5
sangat selesa dan sesuai untuk casual .. ;)
kain jenis lyra ..

♥♥♥♥ 4/5
cantik , merah garang dan semestinya warna tak lusuh ,

♥♥♥ 3/5
ya sangat labuh untuk saya .. kena pakai highheel untuk kelihatan lebih kemas ..
Tadi cakap casual . high heels? oh pening sekejap >_<

Anyway I like this Maxi .. sebab kain dia sangat selesa , sejuk ja bila pakai , siyes ..
I give ♥♥♥ 3/5

Kalau korang nak tahu Tri Fa Wardrobe menyediakan banyak pakaian yang cantik-cantik , beg dan macam macam lagi , untuk maklumat lanjut atau untuk menikmati kepuasan shopping online , sila kunjungi website mereka sendiri di http://trio-fabulous.blogspot.com/

Proses penghantaran sangat pantas ! I like .. but i wasn't remember how many days its took , sorry ..
Owner Tri Fa pon sangat baik dan mudah untuk komunikasi ..

♥ Lastly , hope you enjoy this review .. wait for my next review ya ! ♥
Thank for stopping by gals ,.. Your likes and comments really mean a lots to me ;)  Thank you so much ..


  1. hmm nice.. bleh promote kat yang berminat :)

  2. berapa ringgit beli sekali ngan postage ?

    1. dear .. boleh cek dekat http://trio-fabulous.blogspot.com/ ..
      tp as i know RM70 .. ;)

  3. cantik gila. fyqa ada satu tapi segan nak pakai sebab fyqa pendek :< tunggu kurus sikit baru pakai wakakakakaka ;P

    1. a'ahh .. mmg cantik .. anys pon suka .. ! hehe ;)
      wahh ,. nmpk seksi seikit . hehhehe

  4. cantik
    kalau i yg genit katek pendek ni pakai
    mesti tak hot.haha

    1. ha'ah cantik kan .. hehe..
      amboii .. haha , hot lah . tmbah kasut tumit tinggi sikit . ehhehe ^_*

  5. HAHAHAH nmpk seksi tuu yang payah tuu. bapak munsyi seklai tengking naya fyqa kahkah :D btw promote lagi byk dress. fyqa mencari dress labuh :)

    1. hehe .. amboii , garangnya .. actually ayah anys pon sama, hekeke ..
      yeke .. insyallah .. lom ada yang sudi sponsor ni , muahehe ^^_^

  6. Replies
    1. boleh3 !! eheh .. jgn lupa singggah tri fa wardrobe!


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