I just want to write English but it is very big problem to me when i just dont know how to translate , dont know how to pronouns . shy and so on . i just want to improve my english languange but i dont know how , i think i can't .. ah so bad huh ?
(yesterday .. get ready for JPJ test ..)
So finally i think i want to restudy the grammar via online .. i always learn english online before .. last year .. before the exam .. and until now i still can't different and can't understand the grammar .. .i feel so bad . why why i can't memorize and understand English Grammar .. i was very desperate now because i'll attend interview next after this.. insyallah ..but not sure yet ..

Yesterday, i dont take heavy breakfast , just a half of LAI fruit ,heheh , hope you what kind of fruit .. i just cut it into a small and cute pieces . ..and eat it brutally .. ;D
What i bring yesterday ..
Of course my old wallet ,
Phone , Camera
Motor P license
Car card*tah nak pnggil apa
Identity card
My old hand bag , i dont know when i bought it , but i guest , it is when i was Form 4 .. old stuff too .. The bag is really big , and it is enough to bring one month clothes .. haha,
But when i reach ,
I realize i dont bring my camera *baru ingat nak bergambar dengan penguji haha.. and my phone ;(
Dah tak bawak , bergambar lah sorang2 kat rumah . ;D
Now i already have P car lisence .. yeahhh .
If you realize , my eye right eye a bit different and swollen , yes correct , i dont know why too ;(
but i think it quite ok too if both is swollen , :D but its hurt !!
Lol , hope it will recover well faster .. because i need to review a lot of things sponsored by Pretty Lense store, Trifa Wardrobe and Ree Boutiqe .click on my sidebar if you want to take a look of their web site.
And my English , hope cun cun je bila ada apa2 interview .. yang penting kena berusaha .. hoyeaahh , come on anyss berusaha ! ;D
Work Hard never lost
See you later ,
Anys Nadhilah
April 16, 2012 at 3:04 PMits ok dear...just learn from basic..im sure u can do it!!chaiyokkk..just same like me,feel shy to speaking bcoz think other people more better n better than me..but we can try rite?practice make perfect..;-)
ReplyDeletea'ahh , really really agreed with you ..yes sure we can .. thanks for the words of spirit dear ..
Deletereally appreciate it ! ;D
wah dah ada p .haha
ReplyDeletedear awak minta mara and jpa tak?
awak tahu link borang permohonana online mara?
hehe .. baru je dapat .. eh dalam dua tiga hri lg smpai la p tu ..segan lahh baru amek, huhu ..
Deleteada minta jpa ..
mara cakap buka hari ni , tp tak buka2 lagi , tu pelik .. nnti rasanya dorang letak link dekat permohonan online tu . sebab akan dibuka 16 April tu admin tak delete lagi .. huhu .
jpa jurutera ja .. ;(
cantik =)
ReplyDeleteeh mana ada .. btw thanks dear ..
Deleteayat "my english, hope cun cun je" =.=
ReplyDeletexpe, lame-lame ok la tu. syieda pun same jugak. masa nak interview je baru tunggang langgang belajar english smula. goodluck dear! hihi
hihi , tu ar .. haha , a'ah tahu xpe , mmg tunggang langgang ler ni , huhuu .. amin .. thanks !! ^_^
Deletesuke baca entri u dear. -.- sedikit sebanyak boleh kite kongsi ilmu. -.- chaiyok2.. -.-
Deleteyeke , wahh terharunya ada jugak orang suka baca entri i walaupun tah apa2 , tq2 rafflesia ,, insyallah saya akan cuba kongsi banyak bnda lagi yang bermanfaat ;D
Deletechaiyok2 kak! sure boleh punya. hikhik. congrats for your P license :DD
ReplyDeletehehe , chaiyokkk , insyallah .. ;D
Deletethanks you dik . huhu ,..
April 16, 2012 at 5:23 PMgo go chaiyok !
ReplyDeletehehe , thansk you ciksengeh , huhu
Deletedone follow u...tq follow me
ReplyDeletehehe .. thanks ! ;)
Deleteinstead of learning the basic english grammar, you can learn english by enhance your listening skills, by listening to BBC news or the simplest way, listening to english songs or movies... try to catch up and listen clearly what are the words that have been said/sang.. through listening, you will get to know the correct way to pronounce those words and hence, it will help you in speaking~ just a suggestion~ there are so many ways in learning rite, and this is one of it.. hope this tips would help you! good luck!! =)
ReplyDeletewahh . really2 helpful suggestions ,.. i always listening English songs and movies , but i just read their translate ,.hehe.. because sometimes i cannot catch up what they said .. too fast , ;D..
Deletebut your advice make me want to try to listen clearly what they said next time .. thanks narumi ! i'll try !
congrate ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks dear !
Deletelecturer sy ckp, grammar ni sampai ke bile2 pun kite x kan pandai..sebab dia sindiri pun x pandai grammar.. hehe.. gudluck ! :)
ReplyDeleteoh really? haha .. rasa comfortable sikit , huhuhu .. tp granmar saya mmg hancus , kena cover jugak sikit , eheh , thanks !
Deletehey , i'm broken english too . hahaha . watlek watpeace :D we should learn from zero rite , keep it up !! insyallah , succeesful yours and and and us
ReplyDeleteehe adakah ini nina saffi ? huhu
Deleteha'ah tu lahh , yeah2 , we should learn ! tq ! wish u luck too !
Hi Keep on writing and Salam kenal dari segmen promote blog dari Emma.
April 18, 2012 at 2:40 AMheeeeeeee...chill je,,,time interview...tkg interview tuh p0n phm la0 broken english.... depa besa dah.. =)
ReplyDeleteit's ok.. keep improving dear
ReplyDeletegood english lol :P