x Tutorial welcome note image(disediakan) 'click to enter' :) | Anys NADHILAH

Tutorial welcome note image(disediakan) 'click to enter' :)

September 1, 2011

hey ! mood nak bertutorial n freebies , hehe . jom tengok2 header free nak ? huhuuu :) >>HERE<<

berbalik kepada tuto . ha sekarang in-trend lah kan . tapi aku malas nk buat :)

1. g dashboard-design-edit html-tick expand widget
2.copy code below and paste above/before code  ]]></b:skin>

/* to top */ #toTop { width:100px;background:none;border:0px solid #ccc;text- align:center;padding:5px;position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:10px;cursor:pointer;color:#666;text- decoration:none; } </style></head> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> /* toggle() checks to see if the images has already been faded or not and sends the appropriate variables to opacity(); */ function toggle(el,milli) { // Get the opacity style parameter from the image var currOpacity = document.getElementById(el).style.opacity; if(currOpacity != 0) { // if not faded fade(el, milli, 100, 0); } else { // else the images is already faded fade(el, milli, 0, 100); } } /* changeOpacity() uses three different opacity settings to achieve a cross-browser opacity changing function. This function can also be used to directly change the opacity of an element. */ function changeOpacity(el,opacity) { var image = document.getElementById(el); // For Mozilla image.style.MozOpacity = (opacity / 100); // For IE image.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + opacity + ")"; // For others image.style.opacity = (opacity / 100); } /* fade() will fade the image in or out based on the starting and ending opacity settings. The speed of the fade is determined by the variable milli (total time of the fade in milliseconds)*/ function fade(el,milli,start,end) { var fadeTime = Math.round(milli/100); var i = 0; // Fade Timer // Fade in if(start < end) { for(j = start; j <= end; j++) { // define the expression to be called in setTimeout() var expr = "changeOpacity('" + el + "'," + j + ")"; var timeout = i * fadeTime; // setTimeout will call 'expr' after 'timeout' milliseconds setTimeout(expr,timeout); i++; } } // Fade out else if(start > end) { for(j = start; j >= end; j--) { var expr = "changeOpacity('" + el + "'," + j + ")"; var timeout = i * fadeTime; setTimeout(expr,timeout); i++; } } } </script> <div class="input" onClick="javascript:toggle('wise', 3000); this.style.display='none'; document.getElementById('june').style.display=''"> <img src="LINK IMAGE" style="opacity:0.4;filter:alpha(opacity=40)" onmouseover="this.style.opacity=1;this.filters.alpha.opacity=100" onmouseout="this.style.opacity=0.7;this.filters.alpha.opacity=40"/> </div> <div id="wise" style="filter : alpha(opacity=0); -moz-opacity : 0; opacity : 0;"> <div id="june" style="display : none;"> <body>

3. LINK IMAGE ganti dengan url image(size gambar >height : 500 width : 760 )kesukaan anda . DONE !

4.APE sal ? nak gambar eh eh ? hoho . oke lahh . sempena aidilfitri ni , i bagi freebies , boleh ambil
but credit please:))


pink always special , bhaha :0


  1. ada gambar . tapi bila tekan kat gambar tu , tak keluar pun >.< macam mana ?

  2. take one kakak :) nice blog !

  3. tak jadi pun ?!
    problem is ^^ bilA TEKAN tak KELUAR pun ???

  4. awak,, kita amik the last one,, bole x,? thanks for your tuto,, nice blog,, done following u,, snggah r kat blog kta bila ada msa lw sudi follow lah k,, bye !

  5. thanks,,sy amek satu ek..feel free to visit my blog :)


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