x My Blogging Space ♡ | Anys NADHILAH

My Blogging Space ♡

November 30, 2016

I found this blogpost idea from Erin. I think it is quite fun to tell the reader where is our favourite spot to blog and deliver our thought to the world. I have TWO favourite spots to write. One is at my study desk, and the another place is on the bed where I believe all the bloggers did this.  It's the comfiest place ever so why not aite? I love to keep my desk clean and organize. I usually have nothing on the desk except Macbook, a flower pot, pens, and a speaker. Other than that, my books, headphones, and the other random stuffs I will put them on the drawer beside my desk.

I also have a comfy chair to sit on. The original chair was not the comfiest, and I always had a backache due to sitting too long on this chair. Hence , I decided to add a very large square pillow on the chair. I bought the pillow at Commercial Street,Bangalore and I added up a furry blanket on top of the chair for a nice and fluffy touch to the spot other than for decorative purposes.
That's what I've done to this free chair by the way and I love it so much since it did compliment my study and blogging area. I bought the fur blanket from Amazon.in.

 I told you I have two blogging spaces and it is on the bed. I usually blog on the bed at night when I was ready to sleep but couldn't get my hands off from the laptop. I love to do blog walking at night with the main lights off and sometimes just my fairy lights on and a sense of Vanilla from the candle on my side table that I bought from Ekam. I did really enjoy blogging on both spots. I've never blogging outside. Everything like writing, commenting, taking photograph and reading , there were only happened inside my room

Last but not least, my Blogging Space won't complete without this cutest creature ever. And she always there sitting right on my Mac keyboard. Due to certain reason, she loves to sleep,sit,walk on the keyboard all the time. Thus, I have to push her away and let her sleep or do whatever she want beside the laptop, not on it. 

Where is your blogging space ? 
Thank you for reading !


  1. sy setuju ramai blogger terutama yg perempuan suka tulis/baca blog atas kalit, sambil baring..huhu btw gambar cantik..

    1. eh perempuan je ke ? hehe.
      thank you . Saya edit je lebih sebenarnya ni

  2. cantiknyeeeeeeeeee blogging space die.. :)



    1. hahaha. Erin pun banyaknyaaaa AAAA diaa. anyway thank you dear. just teh power editing.

  4. wahhh yout blogging space so neat and cute :D

    1. thank you BV ! tapi neat time ni je haa. most of the time akan ada pen pen berterabur hehe

  5. haha! you really made my day Syaza. I really wanted to take a picture that will look like the stock photos in the internet. still learning though.

    Bed is always my fav when I want to just chill with blogging world or even watching movies! living room also is nice because I can spend time with my family while surfing throught the internet.

  6. aww thank you Claudia. It did organized during this time only . hehee.
    and yes, macbook has helped me a lot than my previous laptop.

  7. Your desk look so clean and organize :D and you own Macbook Pro too :D

  8. Your desk look so clean and organize :D and you own Macbook Pro too :D

  9. I thought your pics are stock photos then I realized it's not. It look so real. So clean and organize.

    My blogging space would be on the bed too. I spent most of my day there ding everything and it's the most comfortable place ever! Other than that, it will be the living room 😊

  10. ooooh soooo nice! and comfy 💖💖

  11. ooooh soooo nice! and comfy 💖💖

  12. your blogging space is soooo nice !

  13. I love blogging on the bed as well. But I think I am okay to blog outside of my room :D hehe

    Seriously, cats love the keyboard so much! ;D


    1. I know right. sometimes we should change our environment a bit just to gain a better mood.
      and sometimes the fact that my cat always want to sit on the keyboard make me want to squish her so hard.

  14. so cute ! I hrap dpt my own blogging space in my room. sekarang bilik semak sebab renovate :(

    1. thank you Syira. hopefully you'll get your own comfortable blogging area soon!

  15. Semuanya beautiful! :D


  16. Nice! I just write on a table with my laptop without nothing fancy around it haha

  17. My blogging space is kat merata rata tempat uhuk :')


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