x Blog everyday in July | Anys NADHILAH

Blog everyday in July

July 1, 2015

was once interested to buy a ship and run a business

I was once interested to open up a clinic after working 8-10 years with government

I was once interested to open a scarves shop and run a clothing line. 

I was once interested open a bakery shop

 was once interested to write and publish a book

I was once interested to make my blog even more beneficial with tons of useful tips. 
I was full of visionary plans that make me wonder myself, could I possibly accomplish them all? Could I be the perfect girl in the sub urb to have her dreams all came true. 
Oh i wish! Marry a perfect guy and have a perfect life together. Being happy with awesome people around me and still have those little side incomes running. Oh yeah!! 
Anyway, don't they sound quite overwhelming ? It is to me! The fact that I only have 24hours a day and I also have that lazy butt overly attached behind my back which is hard to get rid off. So can i be possible? Phew~ get all those excuses AWAY pleasee Anis.
I'll try to make them work! Though for only a short term. 

What really make me feel want to write today? I just got to tell you that I've made a decision to blog everyday in July!! Whoop whoop! This idea just came out a second ago while writing this post. And i was damn hesitating should I do this? Coz if I am telling you I want to do it, then I shoud do! Coz why not? It is super easy plus I'll be sitting my last Muet paper(insyallah) this first August, considering blogging everyday would be a great geared up to become more dilligent at polishing and revolving my English writing skills. Though not really! Ahaks. I need a teacher obviously. 
To find one, is hard though.
To write a fact//educational essay everyday is even harder.
Look. Excuses are never really want to get away.

So be it! Challenge for everyday blogging in July , accepted! If i ever missed blogging for a day, please remind me! Hehe.

Are you excited ??  Coz I am super excited this time. It's 30 days guys, I'm not really sure I can do this. Just hope that everyday will be exciting so that i can  blog pretty exciting things! 
This 30 days blogging would just be a journey in my life, that I know, I'll be glad to read them all later when I get older.hopefully!

So any brave and vivacious blogger out there want to join the challenge? The more, the merrier~《 Let's do it! It would be more fun when we do it together..

Have a happy July !! 


  1. Good luck for the challenge! I'll read :)

    1. thank you Niza! so nice of you . happy to know it ^_^

  2. You can do it! I'm the mood for everyday blogging as well!
    Hey, in case you need help, I can help you with english lessons. :)
    I know Muet has this speaking section right? In a group of four?
    You are already doing a good job by speaking in front of the camera for Youtube though!

    Oh yeah, my birthday is on your MUET day.. hehe.. so good luck!

    1. thank you and that's great ! let's blog everyday this month since raya is in this month , hooray ! yes !! i need it.. yep .. for speaking , i just finished it last 2 weeks , upcoming paper will be reading, writing and listening.. thank you for your compliment but still i didn't really happy with it coz I'm struggling to string a sentence but still feel grateful . Really ?? Should do something for you ^___^

  3. Would like to join this challange. But, wanna ask you something. Post about anything or there is specific things?

    1. OMG ! I'm so thrilled! sure! let's rock it together Syaza. nope! nothing specific , it's up to your creativity .. but for me myself , I'll be sharing about my life so my blog will not be left unupdated.kiikiii

  4. Good luck for your MUET! :D I'd love to join the challenge but I'm also smooshed with assignment and work lol V_V maybe next time :3

    Hana Blurbs

    1. thank you hana! ooohhhhhhhhhh . so sad to hear that . but next time okay ? finish your work first ! good luck too ^_^

  5. Would love to join this challenge! I'll try :D


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