x Cannot sleep . | Anys NADHILAH

Cannot sleep .

January 26, 2013

Late until this morning i dont know what to do since i cannot close my eyes .. i drink caffein and this is the unsual effect to me . i cannot sleep >.<

i keep stalking the blogs which i love .

and i keep open my dashboard and click new post button but do nothing because lack of ideas .

i am wondering what my friends are doing at college  right now . must be very busy studying ya at weekend .

sometimes i feel weird about myself .

sometimes i feel special about myself .

and sometimes i feel bored about myself.

i procrastinate today .

i left my work unfinished .

i never obeyed my schedule .

poor self- discipline ;(

I just want to update my blog this morning bcoz i'm afraid i will not update it for a long time more . 
and this post is unedited which means lots of grammar errors . indeed .

i read Fatin Liyana's blog ; entry Girlish Mode On, and know what ,my little brother accused sis FL is me in this picture . he say this is not FL , this is YOU !  (already converted from 5 y/o kid language ;)

macam langit dan bumi dikkk ..  FL is always gorgeous . 

see you later . xoxo


  1. nice day :)
    hargailah hari kemaren,
    mimpikanlah hari esok,
    tetapi hiduplah untuk hari ini.
    bagi-bagi motivasinya yaah...



  2. Hi.. aslkum.. bleh sy follow u? if can pls follow me back ya.. thx http://slapmestore.blogspot.com/


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