x My Eidulfitri :) 2012 | Anys NADHILAH

My Eidulfitri :) 2012

September 22, 2012

the progress to prepare the present
Still remember  Smallish Biggish GIVEAWAY? I just posted the present. I know its late but I must bear with it because I cannot post it before . I am at hostel  as well as I also having mid sem examination...But then, I feel relieved now as I already did what should I do.  Tadaa.. recycling my old paper wrapper and ribbon. I hope it will be in PINK ! ^_^’

Before that ,.. Hey everybody .
I did not post about my eidulfitri yet right . Dah lama lepas tapi tetap nak cerita ,. Hehe .
Cuba teka warna baju raya saya . :D

Its Pink ! My obsession ! XD
First raya I didn’t go anywhere ,. I just spending my first eidulfitri with my families . Going back to my mom and dad grandmother’s  home .. I received a lots of money on that day . huahuaa , I feel  very2 happy .. sapa tak seronok kalau dapat duit kan2 ?
Firstly mesti lah beraya dengan ibu bapa dan keluarga  .Ini benda wajib . Lepas tu baru beraya dengan saudara mara yang lain .. Pada petang hari raya tu, ada someone datang beraya dekat rumah . My mom looks very happy . Lolz . I am . too.. kihkih . then followed by my bestfriend, Izni and his friend,Bob  and again , other  relatives  . My old neighbours and my old friends also came . I felt VERY flamboyant with 2012 eidulfitri . Thank you Allah .

xda motif letak gambar si comel ni XD
Raya tahun ni , aku rajin taw .. buat kuih cornflakes sendiri . lepas tu, ada bihun sup of course my mum yang buat. Aku yang request bihun sup sebab tah tiba2 lapor bihun sup my beautiful mummy ^_^’ ..

Raya kedua , ada la sikit isi kandungannya . start dari pukul 12 aku beraya , mula2 pergi rumah AMIERA ,.  Kami pergi dua biji kereta . Sejam duduk situ makan macaroni , sedap…mak miera yang masak . heee ..
Lepas tu kitorang gerak nak g rumah ain comel ni tapi dia balik kampong la pulak ..so rumah mun lah jadi sasaran seterusyaa .. duduk beraya2 smpailah turn rumah aku ,, lepak2 bukan main lama sambil ambil gambar . haha  .
Awal2 raya ada aku , jeni , syifa n mun .. then jeni kena balik sebab dia kena pergi majlis terbuka rumah sedara dia .. so tinggallah kami bertiga . KEMAIN LAGI nak ambil gambar  tp ………
handphone touch punyaa pasal . berlari2 gambar , haha

gini la jadiknya ..

 haa nasib yang ni ok . haha

 then , aku continue ke rumah c dia . wuu.. malu .. tapi dah janji nak hadirkan diri. :D
Ok dah ler tu tak da dah kot . Stopped here . Assalamualaikum.


  1. awak yang cantik.. saya ada wish birthday kat fb wak :)

  2. awak yang kacak .. thank youu yee ,, hehehe.. sy xsempat nak bca lg ..

  3. waaa.. jeleznye fiza.. heheh :D

    heppyyy besdayyy sis even terlewat wish.. ;)

  4. hehe .. awww .. thank you dear ,. hekeke .. :D


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