x ♥ May Haul and Amigurumi | Anys NADHILAH

♥ May Haul and Amigurumi

May 18, 2012

Hello ! Before I make another sponsored review , I wish to share my May Haul here ^_^ I never share my stuff before , just going to start it and hope you dont get bored ;D

Last week I went Alor Star with my mother and my little brother ,. Its time to pay internet bill .Well , then we just stopped by at the same shopping malL, the place we usually go ..

I bought something at there .. and I think I can call something cute ^^,Lol ,I'm addicted with cute thing nowadays ..
What I bought from the mall is a starter kit of Bio Essence Tanaka White , a kawai note book , two kawaii deco sticker , and a kitty stamp playset . Just like a kid right ? haha but i just love the stamp box and the kitty inside .. Futhermore , it is not pricy .
  I just want to give a try to complete set of Bio Essence Tanaka White. 6pcs with only RM29.90 .. bought it from Guardian .. I can't wait to try the masker ..^^'

Some instagram

The note book going to use in the university soon . hakaka .. ^_*
The stamp playset box i think i would store my contact lens after this :D

This one is a free gift from one online shop ;D already use the other one ;)
I also got free contact lens with free one animal case and free simple case this month ! It is from http://www.k-circlelens.net/ . I won for their Monthly Contest ;) If you just want it too , you can enter their contest at their fan page .. What make me so excited is , I got Princess Mimi Sesame Gray . 
Yeaayy , I already have two collections of Princess Mimi , tsubasa chan design ;E 
One from K-Circlelens and one from http://www.lensvillage.com/
I love the Hello Kitty plastic but i hate the Purple Piggy case . >.<
So bad to me ;(


I am trying to make amigurumi ♥ right now *_* looking forward the tutorial and searching for the crochet needle ;<
I think i need to purchase it again .. its missing ;(

Amigurumi is the Japanese art of knitting or crocheting small stuffed animals and anthropomorphic creatures. The word is derived from a combination of the Japanese words ami, meaning crocheted or knitted, and nuigurumi, meaning stuffed doll. <-- from wiki

They are deadly cute ^_^ 
I would like to try to crochet after this . would you follow me ? Its fun . haha..

 I sew this pouch , I sew that bow , I steal that charm .haha how it look ?
Happy Mother's Day Mom !
Till here ......
Blogged you later with Lioele Review ♥  ;D


  1. hahahaha...kemain lagi beli barang kiut miut.

  2. nape awk ada brg2 yg comel2 ni hehe..try la dulu tanaka white tu..kalo ok nnt share la. murah la 6 pcs rm29 je..amirugumi tu sgt comel..rmi jgak yg jual..adoi x rjin la nk buat ;)

    1. hehehe.. addicted yang melampau sekarang ni , huhu ^_^
      yaa , murah gak tp kecil2 je.insyallah !:D
      amigurumi comel kan3 ? huhu ,anys pon tak rajin sgt tp tujuan untuk belajar sekarang ni , ;D

  3. Olohhh all the pics are super duper cute! I like it all! :D

    1. Hehe , thank you dear >.< glad you like it ! :D hehe

  4. Oh how cute! All the items are adorable *^^*

  5. Replies
    1. ohh ya ? thank youu *_^ I made it for my mom for her Mother's Day :)

  6. Following you back honey xo

  7. sys, hand made? serius comel. hehe :D

    1. dear , that pouch ? yaa hand made .. ehehe , tq ^_^
      untuk mommy mesti kena comel jgk. haha ;D

  8. You have a fantastic blog, love the different topics you cover! I love the little crochet stuffed animals :) Thank you for visiting my blog! Just followed and hope to see you back!

  9. That stamp set is so adorable!!! I attempted making amigurumi but couldn't for the life of me figure out how to do it TT^TT


  10. You seriously have the cutest blog!! I love your haul - all the Hello Kitty and cuteness makes me happy ^^ And I LOVE Amigurumi!!! They are indeed deadly cute! I bought one for my sister on Etsy for Christmas! I wish I knew how to make them, good luck on learning! Please post pics of your adorable creations! :D Finally, that pouch is great! Great job on making it yourself!! Looking forward to your Lioele review! I've been thinking of buying some stuff from them!! Have a wonderful rest of the day! ^_^

    <3 Amanda,

  11. you have a cute blog:) follow?

  12. jeles la nie..nak gak..shomell..!

  13. Everything is cute...including the blog owner....

  14. im 34 and still have a heart for these cute lil things.... it can make us smile rite? ; )

  15. ohsem la amigurumi tu..yg kaler biru..buat tuk sy satu? anyyss..hehe..

  16. hye! :D omg! i love cute stuff too! *high five* XD anyways, your blog is so cuteeee! follow u!

    bye! :D


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